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Corylus x 'Red Zellernus'
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
(Purple-leaved Hazel) An uncommon selection with rich-purple leaves, Corylus maxima 'Red Zellernus' is festooned with long, pretty, pink catkins, followed by purple, edible nuts later in the year.
Delivery Options
(For any number of plants sent by courier)
Standard: £6.95* | Priority: £15 | Click & Collect |
*Surcharges apply for Highlands & Islands.
Delivery Options
(For any number of plants sent by courier)
Standard: £6.95*
Delivered in 2-3 working days
Priority: £15
Shipped ASAP
Click & Collect: free
*Surcharges apply for Highlands & Islands.
An uncommon selection with rich-purple leaves, Corylus maxima 'Red Zellernus' is festooned with long, pretty, pink catkins, followed by purple, edible nuts later in the year.
Although superficially similar in appearance to Corylus colurna 'Te Terra Red', this has a more branching, bushy and slightly less graceful habit once established. Corylus 'Red Zellernus' is also more suitable for coppicing to grow as a smaller shrub.
- Position: Full sun or light, dappled shade.
- Soil: Any fertile soil.
- Hardiness: Hardy.
- Flowering Period: January to March (Catkins).
- Flower Colour: Dusky pink
- Rate of Growth: Moderate.
- Habit: Corylus maxima 'Red Zellernus' grows to be a large, branching shrub which can be coppiced if required.
- Height: 5 m (16 ft) if left unpruned.
- Spread: 5 m (16 ft) if left unpruned.
- How Much Sun
- Full Sun, Light Shade
- Eventual Size
- Shrub - Large (3m+)
- Growing Conditions
- Site: Coastal Areas, Soil: Damp/Wet, Soil: Dry/Sandy
- Special Features
- Catkins, Foliage - Purple/Red, Fruit - Ornamental, Fruit - Edible, Wildlife Friendly - Bees
5 Items
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