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Carya ovata
Sorry, now sold out
(Shag Bark Hickory) Carya ovata is a superb tree, native to large areas of North America with bright green summer leaves that turn a glowing golden-yellow in autumn.
This plant is available for collection from our nursery only. Mail order delivery options will not appear for this plant if added to your cart and it can be ordered for collection only!
Delivery Options
(For any number of plants sent by courier)
Standard: £6.95* | Priority: £15 | Click & Collect |
*Surcharges apply for Highlands & Islands.
Delivery Options
(For any number of plants sent by courier)
Standard: £6.95*
Delivered in 2-3 working days
Priority: £15
Shipped ASAP
Click & Collect: free
*Surcharges apply for Highlands & Islands.
A superb tree, native to large areas of eastern North America and one of the stars of the famous Westonbirt Arboretum with its green leaves that turn a glowing golden-yellow in autumn. A fantastic specimen tree and can in a good position produce sweet, edible seed when mature. Its eventual size makes it suitable for larger gardens or woodland areas.
Only recommended for patient gardeners happy to plant out a young specimen and watch it develop over the years.
IMPORTANT (PLEASE READ) - As a general rule, Carya grow poorly in containers and should be planted out when young as they develop a large tap root early on. Therefore the few plants we have available are very small at a seedling size and absolutely not for instant gratification!
- Position: Full sun or light, partial shade.
- Soil: Fertile, well drained soil. Will tolerate chalky soils.
- Hardiness: Hardy. Carya ovata will establish itself better in a warm garden.
- Flowering Period: June.
- Rate of Growth: Slow.
- Habit: Carya ovata grows to be a medium sized or eventually large, stately tree.
- Height: 25 - 30 m
- Spread: 10 - 15 m
- How Much Sun
- Full Sun
- Eventual Size
- Tree - Medium (8m - 15m), Tree - Large (15m+)
- Growing Conditions
- Soil: Dry/Sandy, Soil: Alkaline
- Special Features
- Autumn Colour, Honey Fungus Resistant
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