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Calycanthus floridus
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days)
(Carolina Allspice) A lovely deciduous plant, Calycanthus floridus grows to be a medium sized to large shrub with masses of wonderful, maroon coloured flowers which have a light fragrance similar to ripe apples.
Delivery Options
(For any number of plants sent by courier)
Standard: £6.95* | Priority: £15 | Click & Collect |
*Surcharges apply for Highlands & Islands.
Delivery Options
(For any number of plants sent by courier)
Standard: £6.95*
Delivered in 2-3 working days
Priority: £15
Shipped ASAP
Click & Collect: free
*Surcharges apply for Highlands & Islands.
A lovely deciduous plant, Calycanthus floridus grows to be a medium sized to large shrub with masses of wonderful, maroon coloured flowers which have a light fragrance similar to ripe apples. It has lustrous, dark green leaves which are aromatic when bruised and in a good, crisp autumn these leaves turn shades of yellow before falling.
Calycanthus floridus is an enchanting plant suitable for gardens of most sizes and woodland areas.
- Position: Full sun or partial shade.
- Soil: Any fertile soil.
- Hardiness: Hardy. May require protection from severe late spring frosts as a young plant, as these can damage the new growth and young leaves.
- Flowering Period: June - July.
- Flower Colour: Maroon
- Rate of Growth: Moderate.
- Habit: Calycanthus floridus grows to be a large branching, rounded shrub.
- Height: 3 m (10 ft)
- Spread: 3 m (10 ft)
- Pruning: Prune immediately after flowering to shape or maintain compactness if required.
Further Information
Calycanthus floridus is native to the South Eastern United States of America, from Virginia southwards, and was first introduced to Britain by Mark Catesby, author of the Natural History of Carolina in 1726.
The leaves, wood and roots of this large shrub have pleasant, camphor like fragrance, especially developed in the dried wood; the bark has even been used as a substitute for cinnamon.
Extract from an information poster in our arboretum
- How Much Sun
- Full Sun, Light Shade
- Eventual Size
- Shrub - Large (3m+)
- Growing Conditions
- Soil: Not Fussy, Soil: Damp/Wet
- Special Features
- Flowers in Summer, Wildlife Friendly - Bees, Scented, Suitable for Containers, Honey Fungus Resistant
10 Items
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