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Betula medwedewii 'Gold Bark'
(Transcaucasian Birch) A very rare birch tree, Betula medwedewii 'Gold Bark' has deeply veined dark green leaves which turn bright yellow in autumn before falling.
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Standard: £6.95* | Priority: £15 | Click & Collect |
*Surcharges apply for Highlands & Islands.
Delivery Options
(For any number of plants sent by courier)
Standard: £6.95*
Delivered in 2-3 working days
Priority: £15
Shipped ASAP
Click & Collect: free
*Surcharges apply for Highlands & Islands.
A very rare birch tree, Betula medwedewii 'Gold Bark' has deeply veined dark green leaves which turn bright yellow in autumn before falling. The bark turns attractive shades of bronze, gold and brown as it matures. In spring curious, upright catkins appear on the branches.
A small tree with a reasonably compact and bushy habit which makes Betula medwedewii 'Gold Bark' ideal for gardens or areas with limited space. A good tree for patient gardeners as its slow growing nature does not give instant gratification!
- Position: Full sun or light, dappled shade.
- Soil: Any fertile soil.
- Hardiness: Hardy.
- Rate of Growth: Slow.
- Habit: Betula medwedewii 'Gold Bark' grows to be a small densely branching, compact tree.
- Height: Eventually up to 10 m (32 ft)
- Spread: 8 m (26 ft)
- Notes: The bark of Betula medwedewii 'Gold Bark' definitely benefits from a wash every few years to remove algae and debris. This plant was introduced from the Caucasus mountains in 1897.
- How Much Sun
- Full Sun, Light Shade
- Eventual Size
- Tree - Small (4m - 8m)
- Growing Conditions
- Soil: Not Fussy, Soil: Acid, Site: Windy, Soil: Dry/Sandy
- Special Features
- Autumn Colour, Catkins, Ornamental Bark, Suitable for Containers
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