On sale! -20% In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Juniperus Juniperus x pfitzeriana 'Old Gold' BlueBell Nursery £15.16 £18.95 (Juniper) A tough and hardy conifer, Juniperus x pfitzeriana 'Old Gold' is evergreen with a low, spreading habit and deep golden-bronze foliage all year round. View
Sorry, now sold out Larix Larix decidua 'Puli' BlueBell Nursery £95.00 (Weeping European Larch) A graceful, weeping selection of deciduous European larch with cascading branches and soft apple green needles. These needles turn shades of golden-yellow before falling in autumn. Larix decidua 'Puli' gradually develops into a very elegant weeping garden tree, the height of which can be easily controlled. View
Sorry, now sold out Larix Larix kaempferi 'Stiff Weeping' BlueBell Nursery £95.00 (Weeping Larch) A fine selection of weeping larch, Larix kaempferi 'Stiff Weeping' is deciduous with soft, sea-green needles in spring / summer which turn golden-bronze before they fall in autumn. In gardens with more space, a single leader can be trained up a bamboo cane to a suitable height and then allowed to weep down, giving a delightful, flowing,... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Conifers Metasequoia glyptostroboides BlueBell Nursery £39.95 (Dawn Redwood) A handsome conical tree, Metasequoia is a deciduous conifer with green, feathery leaves which turn burnt-gold or bronze before falling in autumn. The bark is fibrous reddish-brown in colour and mature trees develop eye-catching, undulating buttresses at the trunk base. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Metasequoia Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Chubby' BlueBell Nursery £65.00 (Dwarf Dawn Redwood) A rare and slow growing selection, Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Chubby' grows to be a small conical tree with bright green summer foliage which turns bronze in the autumn before falling. The young leaves in spring are an attractive blueish-green in colour. This Metasequoia is much slower growing than most other dawn redwoods and is... View
Sorry, now sold out Metasequoia Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Goldrush' BlueBell Nursery £99.95 (Golden-leaved Dawn Redwood) Introduced to Britain in 2000, this is a stunning selection of Metasequoia growing as a conical, upright tree with fantastic, soft golden-yellow foliage all summer which does not burn in sunlight. These plants are to large to send with our mail order service and can only be ordered to collect from our nursery View
Metasequoia Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Matthaei Broom' BlueBell Nursery (Compact Dawn Redwood) An unusual selection, Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Matthaei Broom' is relatively slow growing and suitable for small gardens with congested branches once established with soft, bright green summer leaves. This plant is currently unavailable and we sadly do not have any more in the pipeline for the near future. It will be a long... View
Sorry, now sold out Metasequoia Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Royal Air' BlueBell Nursery £55.00 (Dawn Redwood) A rare selection, Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Royal Air' has an upright, pyramidal habit growing to be a slender, small to medium sized tree in time. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Microbiota Microbiota decussata BlueBell Nursery £19.95 (Russian Arborvitae) A tough, useful plant native to Russia, Microbiota decussata is a low growing, spreading, evergreen conifer with bright apple-green summer foliage which turns purple-bronze in the winter months. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Microbiota Microbiota decussata 'Gold Spot' BlueBell Nursery £18.95 (Variegated Russian Arborvitae) Microbiota decussata 'Gold Spot' is a low growing, hardy evergreen conifer with green leaves covered with patches of attractive yellow variegation. The leaves turn handsome shades of bronze in winter. Established specimens form a thick 'carpet' and therefore are very effective as ground cover plants in both sun or shade. View
New In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Picea Picea abies 'Acrocona' BlueBell Nursery £49.95 (Dwarf Norway Spruce) An unusual and slow growing evergreen conifer with eye-catching dark pink young cones in late spring which gradually turn brown-bronze as they age in summer. View
Sorry, now sold out Picea Picea abies 'Nidiformis' BlueBell Nursery £25.00 (Dwarf Spruce) A slow growing spruce, Picea abies 'Nidiformis' is very compact and densely branching, evergreen shrub with a rounded habit once established and light green needles. View
Sorry, now sold out Picea Picea omorika BlueBell Nursery £22.95 (Serbian Spruce) An unusual native of Serbia, Picea omorika is a handsome medium sized, evergreen spruce with a very narrow, spire-like habit. View
Sorry, now sold out Picea Picea omorika 'Pendula' BlueBell Nursery £95.00 (Weeping Serbian Spruce) A narrow upright conifer with graceful, weeping side branches, Picea omorika 'Pendula' makes a spectacular stand alone specimen tree. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Picea Picea orientalis 'Aurea' BlueBell Nursery £49.95 (Golden Oriental Spruce) A spectacular, conical evergreen small tree once established with lovely golden-yellow coloured young shoots in spring which turn dark green later in the year. View
Sorry, now sold out Pinus Pinus bungeana BlueBell Nursery £45.00 (Lacebark Pine) A lovely rare Chinese pine, Pinus bungeana has cream, charcoal and grey patterned bark on mature specimens and needles which are very dark green in colour. Please keep in mind that Pinus bungeana are absolutely not for instant gratification as it is exceptionally slow growing for at least the first ten years or so and therefore only... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Pinus Pinus cembra BlueBell Nursery £28.00 (Arolla Pine or Swiss Stone Pine) Native to the mountainsides of Central and Eastern Europe, Pinus cembra is an ornamental evergreen small to medium sized tree once established, with a dense upright habit. The mature needles are dark grey-green in colour. Established trees develop egg-like cones approx 5 - 6 cm long. Slow growing and not for instant... View
Sorry, now sold out Pinus Pinus coulteri BlueBell Nursery £55.00 (Widowmaker or Big Cone Pine) Not called a "widowmaker" for nothing, the eye-catching cones of this rare, medium evergreen sized tree can weigh several kilograms and be nearly a foot (30cm) long. The juvenile foliage of young plants is soft and light green in colour, with the needles of established plants being long and dark green in colour. This is slow... View
Sorry, now sold out Pinus Pinus monticola BlueBell Nursery £28.00 (Western White Pine) Pinus monticola is a handsome, medium sized, conical evergreen tree native to Western North America with long bluish-green needles. View
New Sorry, now sold out Pinus Pinus parviflora BlueBell Nursery £45.00 (Japanese White Pine) Native to parts of Central and Southern Japan, Pinus parviflora grows to be a small or eventually medium sized tree, usually conical when young with handsome bluish-green needles. Established plants produce rounded to cylinder like cones. Superb as a specimen plant this can also be kept growing well in a large container if looked after. View
New Sorry, now sold out Pinus Pinus parviflora 'Tempelhof' BlueBell Nursery £115.00 (Dwarf Japanese White Pine) A handsome, slow growing pine with eye-catching glaucous blue-green needles. Gradually develops into a very small, elegant tree in time, suitable for gardens with limited space. Grows in a large container. View
New Sorry, now sold out Pinus Pinus pinea 'Silver Crest' BlueBell Nursery £45.00 (Stone Pine or Umbrella Pine ) New to us this is handsome, slow growing selection of Stone Pine, gradually developing into a small tree which has lovely silvery-green juvenile foliage and a conical habit when young. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Pinus Pinus ponderosa BlueBell Nursery £35.00 (Western Yellow Pine) Unusual in the UK, Pinus ponderosa grows to be a handsome, tall evergreen tree with dark green foliage and cinnamon brown bark once established. View
New Sorry, now sold out Pinus Pinus strobus 'Squiggles' BlueBell Nursery £85.00 (Dwarf White Pine) New to us, this is a unusual and very slow growing pine which develops a compact rounded head of branches covered with slightly contorted bluish-green needles. Grown as a grafted head of branches on top of an approx 50 cm tall straight stem. Suitable for sun or dappled shade. Grows well in a large container. View