Sorry, now sold out Crataegus Crataegus crus-galli var 'Inermis' £48.00 (Cockspur Hawthorn) An unusual, deciduous hawthorn with lovely flowers which is native to parts of Canada and North America, from Quebec to North Carolina and west into Minnesota. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Crataegus Crataegus durobrivensis £48.00 (Hawthorn) Native to parts of the USA, Crataegus durobrivensis is a rare small tree with clusters of large white flowers in Spring, followed by dark crimson fruit in autumn. View
Very limited number available this year Crataegus Crataegus ellwangeriana 'Fire Ball' £48.00 A rare selection of hawthorn, this will grow to be a handsome small rounded tree with clusters of fragrant flowers in late spring followed by large crimson red fruit in autumn. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Crataegus Crataegus laevigata 'Gireoudii' £48.00 (Variegated Hawthorn) Crataegus laevigata 'Gireoudii' is a very interesting large shrub or eventually small, deciduous tree once established which has irregularly variegated pink and white young leaves and stems. View
Sorry, now sold out Crataegus Crataegus laevigata 'Pink Corkscrew' BlueBell Nursery £48.00 (Pink-flowered Hawthorn) A flamboyant selection of hawthorn, growing into a very small tree with bright pink spring flowers, worth considering just for its habit alone, especially in winter when the young growth that is contorted into a zigzag pattern is exposed. View
In Stock - Limited Availability Crataegus Crataegus laevigata 'Princess Sturdza' £48.00 (Midland Hawthorn) New to us this is a beautiful small tree once established with masses of vibrant pink flowers with a white centre in late spring. The flowers are followed by small dark red fruit later in the year which are popular with birds. The leaves are dark green in colour. A highly ornamental, hardy flowering tree with best display of flowers and... View
Sorry, now sold out Crataegus Crataegus monogyna 'Biflora' £48.00 (Glastonbury Thorn) An unusual selection of our common hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna 'Biflora' is a small tree once established which often flowers in January as well as later flowers in Spring. Rarely available for sale. View
Sorry, now sold out Crataegus Crataegus monogyna 'Compacta' £38.00 A rare, dwarf, slow growing and upright selection of Hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna 'Compacta' has masses of fine, white flowers in spring and clusters of red berries in the autumn. View
Sorry, now sold out Crataegus Crataegus monogyna 'Ferox' £55.00 (Fierce Hawthorn) A rare small tree, Crataegus monogyna 'Ferox' is covered with fearsome thorns once established and makes an excellent barrier plant. View
Sorry, now sold out Crataegus Crataegus orientalis £38.00 (Oriental or Eastern Thorn) A beautiful small tree, Crataegus orientalis has eye-catching flowers and deeply cut, downy leaves which are grey-silver on the underside. View
Sorry, now sold out Crataegus Crataegus phaenopyrum £55.00 (Washington Hawthorn) An eye-catching tree native to South-eastern North America, Crataegus phaenopyrum has maple-like leaves which turn shades of vibrant, burgundy red and orange in autumn. View
Sorry, now sold out Crataegus Crataegus pinnatifida 'Big Golden Star' £35.00 (Chinese Hawthorn) A nearly thornless small tree native to China, this has dark green leaves which turn a fantastic, crimson red in a good crisp autumn. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Crataegus Crataegus prunifolia 'Splendens' £48.00 (Broad-leaved Hawthorn) Popular and handsome small tree, Crataegus prunifolia 'Splendens' has probably the finest display of rich orange and crimson autumn colours of any hawthorn. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Crataegus Crataegus punctata var aurea £48.00 (Yellow-berried Hawthorn) An unusual and highly ornamental small tree with has clusters of white flowers in late spring, serrated, dark green leaves and very ornamental, large, golden yellow berries in late summer / autumn. View
Sorry, now sold out Crataegus Crataegus schraderiana £48.00 (Hawthorn) A striking tree, Crataegus schraderiana is native to parts of Southern Europe and has deeply cut, grey-green leaves and large dark purple fruit in autumn once established. View
Sorry, now sold out Crataegus Crataegus tanacetifolia £35.00 (Tansy-leaved Thorn) A slow growing species which originates from Asia Minor and Syria, Crataegus tanacetifolia is an almost thornless, mop-headed small tree with downy, silver-grey, dandelion-like leaves. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Crataegus Crataegus tracyi £48.00 Rare in the UK, Crataegus tracyi grows to be a large shrub or eventually very small tree with dark green leaves turning red / orange before falling in autumn. View
Sorry, now sold out Crataegus Crataegus x lavallei 'Carrieri' £38.00 (Hybrid Cockspur Thorn) Crataegus x lavallei 'Carrieri' grows to be a small handsome tree with glossy, dark green leaves in summer which turn beautiful shades of crimson and bronze in the autumn time before falling. View
Only one plant currently left in stock Crinodendron Crinodendron hookerianum £25.00 (Chilean lantern tree) Introduced from Chile in 1848, Crinodendron hookerianum has colourful, bright red lantern-like flowers which makes it one of the most striking evergreen shrubs in cultivation. The name comes from the Greek words 'krinon' meaning 'lily' and dendron meaning 'tree'. In midsummer Crinodendron bears beautiful crimson flowers, each... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Crinodendron Crinodendron hookerianum 'Ada Hoffman' £28.00 (Chilean lantern tree) A lovely new cultivar of Lantern tree, this is a medium sized evergreen shrub once established, similar to the more familiar Crinodendron hookerianum, except that it has masses of delicate, pale pink (rather than red), lantern-like flowers in early summer. View
Cydonia Cydonia 'Meeches Prolific' Information Only The Quince has been cultivated for a long time and after its introduction to England was commonly grown in the 16th to 18th centuries, when it was usually used for making quince marmalade. Supplied Size: This plant is rarely available. Please use the notification system below if you wish to be contacted if/when more are available. View
Sorry, now sold out Cytisus Cytisus battandieri £48.00 (Pineapple Broom) A beautiful plant introduced to the UK from Morocco in the early 1920's, Cytisus battandieri has pineapple-coloured and scented flowers produced in conical clusters in midsummer. The leaves are a delicate silver-grey and have a lovely silky texture. An excellent, upright plant for growing against a sunny wall and fence and best planted... View
Available to order for late Spring 2025 Daphne Daphne 'Eternal Fragrance' £38.00 A compact, slow growing evergreen shrub with dark green leaves and masses of extremely fragrant, creamy white flowers in spring. Very suitable for growing in a large container. Available to order for Spring 2025 (will be sent when ready) View
Sorry, now sold out Daphne Daphne bholua 'Jacqueline Postill' £48.00 (Winter flowering Daphne) Planted next to our nursery office, Daphne bholua 'Jacqueline Postill' is an evergreen shrub known for having masses of long lasting, heavily scented flowers in winter once established. This plant is rarely listed for sale. Very limited number of young plants available currently. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Davidia Davidia involucrata £48.00 (Pocket Handkerchief Tree) A lovely tree native to South-west China, Davidia involucrata has masses of glorious, white flower bracts in May and June (up to 15 cm long) on mature specimens. These beautiful flower bracts dance on wind, looking like fluttering handkerchiefs or doves and are followed by large green fruit later in the year. The leaves are... View
Davidia Davidia involucrata 'Lady Sunshine' (Variegated Handkerchief Tree) A very rare tree, Davidia involucrata 'Lady Sunshine' has stunning variegated leaves, with an eye-catching wide golden-cream margin. This plant is only available in small numbers and is very rarely listed for sale. View
Sorry, now sold out Davidia Davidia involucrata 'Sonoma' £100.00 A very rare, early flowering selection of Davidia which flowers and produces a number of spectacular white bracts at only two or three years old. This plant is rarely listed for sale. You are welcome to contact our office on (01530) 413700 to check on availability. View
Sorry, now sold out Decaisnea Decaisnea fargesii £38.00 (Blue Sausage Fruit) Decaisnea fargesii is native to China, growing to be a hardy, large shrub or eventually very small tree in the UK with long, bright blue fruit in autumn once established. View
Desfontainia Desfontainia spinosa Desfontainia spinosa is a fascinating and unusual plant with colourful flowers which can be found growing in the wild in the South American Andes, from Colombia to southern Chile. This plant is currently unavailable and we sadly do not have any more in the pipeline for the near future. It will be a long wait but please enter your email address below if... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Deutzia Deutzia calycosa 'Dali' £22.95 (Deutzia) New to us, Deutzia calycosa 'Dali' is a rare, medium sized shrub named by Roy Lancaster and has particularly large pink-tinged white flowers in early summer. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Deutzia Deutzia crenata 'Pride of Rochester' £18.95 A highly ornamental, medium sized, deciduous shrub with masses of double white flowers flushed with pale pink on the outside in early summer which stand out well against the mid-green leaves. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Deutzia Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko' £16.95 A compact shrub very suitable for small gardens which has masses of small pure-white flowers on arching branches in early or midsummer. The leaves are mid green in colour and make an excellent foil for the bright flowers. Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko' is an excellent flowering shrub for a garden border, looks very good planted in groups of three or five to... View
Only one plant currently left in stock Deutzia Deutzia monbeigii £22.95 ( Deutzia) Native to parts of China, Deutzia monbeigii is an eye-catching shrub with small, dark green leaves and masses of white star-shaped flowers in early summer. View
Sorry, now sold out Deutzia Deutzia ningpoensis £22.95 Deutzia ningpoensis is a rare and beautiful shrub native to China with panicles of white flowers along the branches in mid summer. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Deutzia Deutzia scabra 'Punctata' £18.95 (Variegated Deutzia) An unusual and slow growing small or eventually medium sized shrub with creamy-white and green variegated summer leaves. Established plants have masses of small white flowers in early summer. With the marbled foliage, Deutzia scabra 'Punctata' is most suited for a position in dappled or partial shade where the leaves look nearly... View
In Stock Deutzia Deutzia setchuenensis var corymbiflora BlueBell Nursery £19.95 (Chinese Snow Flower) Charming and slow growing species, Deutzia setchuenensis var corymbiflora has clusters of long lasting, star-like white flowers in summer. View