Limited availability this year Cercidiphyllum Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Magma' £55.00 (Katsura Tree) New to us, Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Magma' is a compact deciduous shrub or eventually very small, often multi-stemmed tree with vibrant purple-bronze young leaves in Spring which gradually turn green in summer. Excellent autumn colour. View
In Stock Cercidiphyllum Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Peach' £55.00 (Katsura Tree) New to us, Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Peach' has been selected for its autumn colour with the leaves turning pink, orange and red before falling and the peach-like, candyfloss scent that comes from the falling leaves. Pruned to 60 - 80 cm tall to promote a branching, multi-stemmed habit once established. Not for instant gratification. View
Limited number of young plants available this year Cercidiphyllum Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Pendulum' BlueBell Nursery £55.00 (Weeping Katsura Tree) Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Pendulum' is an unusual, graceful small or eventually medium sized tree with long pendulous branches covered with heart-shaped leaves. View
Sorry, now sold out Cercidiphyllum Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Rotfuchs' BlueBell Nursery £55.00 (Columnar Katsura Tree) A narrow tree, Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Rotfuchs' has leaves which are deep purple when they emerge in spring, gradually turning glaucous blue as the year progresses. View
Sorry, now sold out Cercidiphyllum Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Strawberry' £55.00 (Katsura Tree) Very rare selection of Cercidiphyllum which has been bred for its outstanding, reliable, strawberry-pink and creamy-yellow autumn colours. Pruned to 60 - 80 cm tall to promote a branching, multi-stemmed habit once established. Not for instant gratification. View
Sorry, now sold out Cercidiphyllum Cercidiphyllum magnificum £55.00 A rare species native to Japan with great autumn colour which has slightly larger leaves than the classic Cercidiphyllum japonicum, with more pronounced serrations running around the leaf edge. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Cercis Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' £66.50 (Eastern Redbud) A glorious large shrub or eventually very small tree, the sun shining through the glorious rich-purple, heart-shaped summer leaves of Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' is one of the wonders of the garden. Very similar in appearance to our Cercis canadensis 'Merlot' View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Cercis Cercis canadensis 'Merlot' £66.50 (Eastern Redbud) A magnificent new selection of Redbud which grows to be a small, often branching tree with vibrant dark purple-red heart-shaped leaves in summer which turn orange and gold before falling in autumn. View
Only one plant currently left in stock Cercis Cercis canadensis 'Ruby Falls' £145.00 (Weeping Redbud) New to us, Cercis canadensis 'Ruby Falls' is a stunning small tree cascading, weeping branches once established covered with dark purple heart-shaped leaves in Spring and summer. The plants currently available are to large to be sent out with our mail order service and can only be ordered for collection from our nursery. View
Sorry, now sold out Cercis Cercis canadensis 'Texas White' £68.00 (Eastern Redbud) New to us, Cercis canadensis 'Texas White' is a spectacular small tree once established with masses of pure white flowers in late spring which appear on the bare branches before the leaves emerge. When the leaves do emerge as or shortly after the flowers go over, they are large dark green and heart-shaped through the summer, turning... View
Sorry, now sold out Cercis Cercis canadensis 'The Rising Sun' £68.00 (Eastern Redbud) A highly ornamental large branching shrub or eventually very small, normally multi-stemmed tree, Cercis canadensis 'The Rising Sun' has heart-shaped leaves, orange-gold tints when they emerge in Spring, turning yellow and green in summer. View
New In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Cercis Cercis canadensis var. texensis 'Oklahoma' £55.00 (Redbud) An unusual tall shrub in the short term or eventually small, bushy tree known for having masses of vibrant purple-pink flowers covering the branching in late spring. The leaves are heart-shaped and mid green in colour, with bronze to yellow tints in autumn before they fall. Best in a position with plenty of sun and well drained soil. View
Sorry, now sold out Cercis Cercis chinensis 'Avondale' £65.00 (Chinese Redbud) Cercis chinensis 'Avondale' is a beautiful tree with bare stems which are studded with pretty, rich purple-pink flowers in late April or early May before the foliage emerges. View
Sorry, now sold out Cercis Cercis siliquastrum £29.95 (Judas Tree) A small tree native to the Eastern Mediterranean region, Cercis siliquastrum is covered with bright pink flower in late April and May once established. View
Sorry, now sold out Chaenomeles Chaenomeles speciosa 'Apple Blossom' £19.95 (Japanese Quince) Native to eastern Asia, Chaenomeles speciosa 'Apple Blossom' has lush, dark green leaves and in late winter or early spring, masses of lovely white flowers with a pink flush covering the stems. The sensational display of flowers, lasting for several weeks early in the year more then makes up for this and Chaenomeles is a worthy addition... View
New In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Chaenomeles Chaenomeles speciosa 'Scarlet Storm' £39.95 (Flowering Quince) New to us, this is a small to medium sized deciduous shrub with amazing, double scarlet flowers with golden anthers covering the branches in late winter or early Spring. The leaves are dark green in colour. A hardy shrub with best flower display when planted in a position with plenty of sun. Can be grown well in a large container. View
Sorry, now sold out Chaenomeles Chaenomeles superba 'Pink Lady' £16.95 (Flowering Quince) An eye-catching shrub in Spring with has masses of bright pink flowers in March and April. These flowers are followed later in the year by small, green fruit. The leaves are dark green, sometimes turning shades of yellow and bronze before falling in autumn. Although it will grow in some shade, Chaenomeles superba 'Pink Lady' usually... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Chaenomeles Chaenomeles x 'Toyo-Nishiki' £19.95 (Flowering Quince) An exciting and unusual Japanese shrub, Chaenomeles x 'Toyo-Nishiki' is covered with lovely white and pale pink flowers in early spring once established, all on the same plant. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Chaenomeles Chaenomeles x superba 'Clementine' £19.95 (Flowering Quince) A small deciduous shrub, Chaenomeles x superba 'Clementine' has a dense, spreading habit and masses of vibrant orange-red flowers in Spring. The leaves are glossy and green in colour. Rounded aromatic fruit appear on the branches in late summer or autumn. Although tolerant of some shade, best flower display will usually be seen if... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Chaenomeles Chaenomeles x superba 'Crimson and Gold' £16.95 (Flowering Quince) A compact, hardy shrub, Chaenomeles x superba 'Crimson and Gold' has masses of very colourful, crimson flowers with golden anthers in early spring. The leaves are dark green in colour. An excellent tough choice of shrub for spring colour. It is fairly shade tolerant if required but will usually produce its best display of flowers in a... View
Sorry, now sold out Chaenomeles Chaenomeles x superba 'Salmon Horizon' £19.95 (Flowering Quince) A spreading shrub which has dark green leaves and clusters of cup-shaped, vivid salmon pink flowers in early spring. These flowers are followed by ornamental fruit green initially, ripening to yellow later in the summer. Chaenomeles x superba 'Salmon Horizon' is a tough, reliable flowering shrub and with the thorns makes a useful... View
Sorry, now sold out Chimonanthus Chimonanthus praecox £29.95 (Wintersweet) A popular semi-evergreen plant native to the woods and hills of China, Chimonanthus praecox has fantastic, sweetly scented, creamy-yellow flowers in winter on mature plants. Small number of young plants available this year View
Sorry, now sold out Chionanthus Chionanthus retusus £25.00 (Chinese Fringe Tree) Chionanthus retusus grows to be a tall shrub in the UK (slightly larger in very warm areas) with fragrant clusters of small but handsome white flowers in early summer once established. View
Sorry, now sold out Chionanthus Chionanthus virginicus £22.50 (White Fringe Tree) A robust member of the olive family, Chionanthus virginicus has bold, dark green foliage and delicately fragrant, white flower panicles up to 20 cm long in May or June. View
Sorry, now sold out Chitalpa Chitalpa tashkentensis 'Summer Bells' £38.00 (Desert Willow) New to us, Chitalpa tashkentensis 'Summer Bells' is an unusual large shrub or eventually small, usually multi-stemmed tree with bright green willow-like leaves and masses of beautiful, large, pale pink trumpet-shaped flowers in mid to late summer once established. View
Sorry, now sold out Choisya Choisya 'Greenfingers' £14.95 (Orange Blossom) New to us, Choisya × dewitteana 'Greenfingers' is a compact evergreen shrub with dark green, glossy leaves with narrow finger-like lobes. View
Sorry, now sold out Choisya Choisya ternata 'Sundance' £14.95 (Golden Mexican Orange Blossom) Choisya ternata 'Sundance' is a popular medium sized, evergreen shrub with bright golden-yellow leaves which start out as lime-yellow in spring before turning gold later in the summer. View
Sorry, now sold out Cistus Cistus x corbariensis £14.95 (Rock Rose) A rounded small evergreen shrub, Cistus x corbariensis has dark green glossy leaves and masses of pink flower buds which open to pure white flowers, with yellow centers throughout summer. View
Sorry, now sold out Cladrastis Cladrastis kentukea 'Perkins Pink' £45.00 (American Yellowwood or Virgilia) A rare and deciduous tree which is native to the South-eastern USA with bright green, pinnate leaves which can turn a fetching bright yellow in a good, crisp autumn before falling. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Cladrastis Cladrastis kentukea (lutea) BlueBell Nursery £38.00 (American Yellow wood or Virgilia) Cladrastis kentukea is a handsome small tree with good yellow autumn colour and lovely racemes of fragrant flowers summer. Best suited for a sunny position. View
Sorry, now sold out Cladrastis Cladrastis sinensis £65.00 A rare and elegant tree native to parts of China, Cladrastis sinensis was introduced to the UK by Wilson in 1901 and has attractive green, pinnate (feather-like) leaves. View
Sorry, now sold out Clerodendrum Clerodendrum bungei £25.00 (Mexican Hydrangea or Rose Glory Bower) A native to China, this lovely late-flowering plant is still somewhat unusual here in England and in our opinion is one of the finest and most reliable late flowering shrubs. Clerodendrum bungei has huge corymbs (flat topped flower clusters) of rose-red, fragrant flowers throughout late summer, from August until... View
Sorry, now sold out Clerodendrum Clerodendrum trichotomum 'Purple Blaze' £29.95 (Harlequin Glory Bower) New to us, Clerodendrum trichotomum 'Purple Blaze' is a lovely tall, deciduous shrub with dark purple-flushed leaves in spring turning green later on as they mature. Established plants have pink flower bud opening to white, scented flowers in summer followed by glossy blue-black fruit surrounded by purple-red bracts in autumn. Best... View
Small number of young plants available this year Clerodendrum Clerodendrum trichotomum 'Shiro' £29.95 (Harlequin Glory Bower) An unusual, deciduous upright shrub, Clerodendrum trichotomum 'Shiro' has scented greenish-white flowers in summer followed by very eye-catching blue-black fruit surrounded by ivory-white calyces. View
Sorry, now sold out Clerodendrum Clerodendrum trichotomum var fargesii £35.00 An exciting plant native to Western China, Clerodendrum trichotomum var fargesii has fragrant white flowers in late summer, followed by outstanding, metallic-blue berries in autumn. View
Sorry, now sold out Clethra Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird' £18.95 (Sweet Pepper Bush) A densely branching compact, small or eventually medium sized, deciduous shrub with masses of long scented white flower spikes in late summer which are popular with bees and butterflies. View