Sorry, now sold out Amorpha Amorpha fruticosa BlueBell Nursery £28.00 (Indigo Bush) Amorpha fruticosa is unusual in the UK, growing to be a large shrub with pinnate green leaves and long, nearly black racemes of flowers in summer. View
New Sorry, now sold out Aralia Aralia cordata 'Sun King' £25.00 (Udo) New to us, Aralia cordata 'Sun King' is an unusual herbaceous plant forming a mound of stems covered with ornamental golden-yellow leaves in Spring and summer. Clusters of small white flower appear in mid to late summer followed by purple berries. A spectacular foliage plant for sun or dappled shade. Can be grown in a large container. View
Sorry, now sold out Aralia Aralia elata BlueBell Nursery £22.50 (Japanese Angelica-tree) A plant native to parts of Eastern Asia, Aralia elata has huge, bi-pinnate leaves which can be up to 100 - 125 cm long on an established plants. View
Sorry, now sold out Arbutus Arbutus unedo BlueBell Nursery £22.95 (Strawberry Tree) Arbutus unedo is a gorgeous evergreen shrub or eventually small tree with white or pale pink pitcher-like flowers in autumn followed by bright red, edible, strawberry-like fruit. View
Sorry, now sold out Arbutus Arbutus unedo 'Compacta' £22.95 (Dwarf Strawberry Tree) Smaller than the other strawberry trees listed here, this is an attractive evergreen shrub with masses of creamy white flowers in late summer or early autumn. The flowers are followed by red, edible, strawberry-like fruit. These ornamental fruit can take up to a year to ripen fully. The flowers are very popular with insects and in... View
Collect from nursery only Arbutus Arbutus x 'Marina' £125.00 (Strawberry Tree) An unusual selection, Arbutus 'Marina' is evergreen and has large, glossy leaves (much larger than those of a Arbutus unedo) and racemes of creamy white flowers in autumn. The plants currently available are to large and heavy to send with our normal mail order service. They are available for collection from our nursery only. View
In Stock Aronia Aronia melanocarpa £25.00 Native to the low lying woodlands of Eastern North America, Aronia melanocarpa is a handsome deciduous shrub with good purple and orange autumn colour which also has small clusters of white flowers in spring followed by masses of rounded, purplish-black berries in autumn. Good for wildlife including bees and insects! View
Sorry, now sold out Asimina Asimina triloba £25.00 (Pawpaw) Not to be confused with the tropical fruit, Asimina triloba is a large leaved, medium to large, shrub from North America has strange, lurid-purple flowers in early summer. View
Sorry, now sold out Atherosperma Atherosperma moschatum £29.95 (Australian Snowdrop Tree) Beautiful flowering, evergreen tree which is native to parts of South-east Australia and Tasmania, Atherosperma moschatum has narrow, long, finely toothed, leathery leaves. View
On sale! -20% In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Aucuba Aucuba japonica 'Crotonifolia' £13.56 £16.95 A tough, medium sized evergreen shrub ideal for sun or shade which has glossy, dark green leaves with patches of colourful yellow variegation. An excellent choice for brightening shady areas or for growing in a large container. View
Sorry, now sold out Aucuba Aucuba japonica 'February Star' £16.95 (Variegated Aucuba) A shade loving evergreen shrub, Aucuba 'February Star' has dark green leaves covered with spots & variable patches of creamy-yellow variegation and an impressive display of red berries in February. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Aucuba Aucuba japonica 'Leucocarpa' £18.95 An unusual and compact evergreen shrub with dark, glossy green leaves, Aucuba japonica 'Leucocarpa' is a female selection with eye-catching white berries once established. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Aucuba Aucuba japonica 'Pepperspot' £16.95 New to us, Aucuba japonica 'Pepperspot' is a robust evergreen shrub with dark green leaves covered with masses of tiny yellow spots. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Berberis Berberis linearifolia 'Orange King' £55.00 (Barberry) A superb evergreen, medium sized shrub once established with dark green, glossy leaves and masses of bright orange flowers in Spring. The lovely flower display if followed by black-blue fruit later in the summer. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Berberis Berberis thunbergii ' Golden Horizon' £16.95 (Barberry) A compact, low and spreading shrub with very attractive golden-yellow leaves through Spring and Summer. The leaves turn pretty shades of orange and purple before falling in autumn. Establish plants have clusters of yellow flowers in late Spring. Best display of golden foliage if planted in a sunny position, in shade it will grow well but the... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Berberis Berberis thunbergii 'Chocolate Summer' £16.95 (Barberry) New to us this is a small or eventually medium sized, compact upright shrub with beautiful dark chocolate-brown summer leaves.. Dainty yellow flowers appear on the branches in spring. The stems are dark brown-red in colour and the leaves turn vivid shades of purple and orange before falling autumn. Grows well in a large container and also... View
New In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Berberis Berberis thunbergii 'Concorde' £16.95 (Barberry) A compact and rounded deciduous shrub with dark velvety purple leaves in spring and summer which turn pretty shades of bright red and orange before falling in autumn. Masses of small, pale-yellow flowers cover the stems in spring once established. Grows well in a large container and also makes an unusual low informal hedge if planted in group. View
On sale! -20% In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Berberis Berberis thunbergii 'Green Carpet' BlueBell Nursery £13.56 £16.95 (Barberry) A popular, spreading low growing shrub often used for ground cover that has bright apple-green leaves in spring and summer which turn vivid shades of amber orange and red before falling in autumn. View
Sorry, now sold out Berberis Berberis verruculosa BlueBell Nursery £16.95 (Warty Barberry) A slow growing, compact evergreen shrub, Berberis verruculosa is native to China and has small dark green glossy leaves and golden-yellow flowers in spring. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Betula Betula albosinensis 'Bowling Green' £48.00 (Chinese Red Birch ) An unusual cultivar first collected in Western Szechuan province in China, Betula albosinensis 'Bowling Green' is a small to medium sized, deciduous tree with lovely, rich honey-coloured bark when mature which peels in long, creamy strips. The leaves are mid green in spring and summer, turning attractive shades of yellow before... View
Only one plant currently left in stock Betula Betula albosinensis 'Chinese Garden' £48.00 (Chinese Red Birch) Betula albosinensis 'Chinese Garden' is a rare and difficult to propagate birch with peeling mahogany-red bark leaving large creamy patches as it falls, gradually turning lovely shades of pink as it ages. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Betula Betula albosinensis 'Chinese Ruby' £55.00 (Chinese Red Birch) Lovely pink stemmed Chinese birch which judging by the ten year old specimen in our gardens does not grow to vigorously and is therefore suitable for gardens with limited space. View
Sorry, now sold out Betula Betula albosinensis 'Conyngham' £48.00 (Chinese Red Birch) This graceful selection of Chinese Birch is thought to have arisen as a seed of Betula albosinensis 'Septentrionalis' and has beautiful pink and silvery-pink bark that fades to cream and white. View
Sorry, now sold out Betula Betula albosinensis 'Hergest' £48.00 (Chinese Red Birch) Betula albosinensis 'Hergest' is an unusual and very attractive birch growing to be a medium sized tree with superb creamy pink and white bark one established specimens. View
Sorry, now sold out Betula Betula albosinensis 'Pink Champagne' £48.00 (Chinese Red Birch) A fantastic small to medium sized decideous tree with attractive soft, pale pink bark, peeling in sheets once established which is particularly eye-catching in the winter months. View
Sorry, now sold out Betula Betula albosinensis 'Red Panda' £48.00 (Chinese Red Birch) A handsome and unusual Chinese birch, Betula albosinensis 'Red Panda' grows with good vigour to be a medium sized, slender tree with lovely peeling, orange-red bark once established. View
Sorry, now sold out Betula Betula dahurica 'Maurice Foster' £48.00 A rare birch tree, Betula dahurica 'Maurice Foster' has very eye-catching peeling, papery bark with the outer layers dark mahogany red in colour, creamy-gray underneath. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Betula Betula ermanii 'Grayswood Hill' £55.00 (Ermans Birch) A fantastic, deciduous, small or eventually medium sized tree once established which has excellent, bright yellow autumn colour and superb peeling, creamy-white bark. A good choice as a stand alone specimen tree and also very effective when planted in small groups. View
Sorry, now sold out Betula Betula ermanii 'Hakkoda Orange' £48.00 (Erman's Birch) Collected in Northern Honshu, Japan, Betula ermanii 'Hakkoda Orange' has beautiful coppery orange bark once established. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Betula Betula ermanii 'Kwanak Weeping' £48.00 (Weeping Birch) A rare small tree, Betula ermanii 'Kwanak Weeping' has beautiful creamy white peeling bark and with the branches gently pendulous, particularly on the tips. View
Sorry, now sold out Betula Betula ermanii 'Mount Zao Purple' £48.00 (Erman's Birch)A fantastic tree small to medium sized tree with superb dark purple and orange, peeling bark with prominent horizontal lenticels once established. The leaves are mid green, turning shades of dark yellow in a good, crisp autumn before falling. A fine specimen tree with year round interest. View
Sorry, now sold out Betula Betula medwedewii 'Gold Bark' £48.00 (Transcaucasian Birch) A very rare birch tree, Betula medwedewii 'Gold Bark' has deeply veined dark green leaves which turn bright yellow in autumn before falling. View
New In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Betula Betula nana £29.95 (Dwarf Birch) A native, small or eventually medium sized, deciduous shrub with slender branches and dainty, toothed, dark green leaves. The leaves have yellow and orange tints in autumn before falling. The bark is dark bronze and brown. Most suitable for a sunny position in acid soil with good drainage. View
In Stock Betula Betula papyrifera 'Saint George' £55.00 (Canoe or Paper Birch) An unusual medium sized, deciduous tree which gradually develops pale bronze and white peeling bark once established. The summer leaves are dark green in colour turning golden-yellow in autumn before falling and can stay on the tree for a long time in the absence of strong winds or storms. Best autumn colour once established if... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Betula Betula pendula 'Spider Alley' £55.00 (Twisted Birch) A new and eye-catching introduction, Betula pendula 'Spider Alley' is an unusual small tree with twisted, spidery branches and silver bark when young, developing classic dark fissures once established. View
Collect from nursery only Betula Betula pendula 'Youngii' £95.00 (Weeping Birch) A well known and graceful, small weeping tree with a dome-like habit once established, with trailing branches weeping to the ground. The bark turns silver white as it matures. Hardy and tolerant of wind. These plants are to large to send by our mail order service and are available for collection from our nursery only View