In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Quercus Quercus ilex £28.00 (Holm Oak) A majestic medium sized or eventually large, evergreen tree native to the Mediterranean region of Europe with glossy dark-green leaves and smooth grey bark. Excellent for screening! View
Sorry, now sold out Quercus Quercus imbricaria £35.00 (Shingle Oak) Native to eastern North America, Quercus imbricaria is a medium sized, vigorous tree with long narrow, unlobed leaves. View
Sorry, now sold out Quercus Quercus palustris 'Green Pillar' £40.00 (Columnar Pin Oak) An exciting new oak, Quercus palustris 'Green Pillar' is an very upright, narrow tree initially, spreading a little once mature with lovely orange/red autumn colour once established. View
Sorry, now sold out Quercus Quercus palustris 'Isabel' £49.95 (Dwarf Pin Oak) A new introduction to the United Kingdom from Holland, this rare oak grows to be a cone shaped, small tree with fiery red and orange autumn colours. This is very slow growing and a bushy shrub in the short term although eventually it grows to be a short, shrubby tree in time. Quercus palustris 'Isabel' is a very attractive and small... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Quercus Quercus petraea £28.00 (Sessile Oak) Native to the UK this is a medium sized or eventually large, branching tree with large, leathery, lobed dark green leaves on long stalks. Mature trees develop deep grooves in the bark. Masses of stalkless acorns once established. Very handsome specimen tree once established, beneficial for native wildlife and most suitable for areas with... View
In Stock Quercus Quercus robur £25.00 (English Oak) A large majestic tree, Quercus robur has dark green leaves and acorns in the autumn once established. The leaves turn bronze and yellow as they fall in autumn. Mature trees are an excellent habitat for insects and other wildlife. It is very long lived and the timber of good specimens is highly valued. Formerly it was used in ship building... View
Quercus Quercus robur 'Concordia' (Golden-leaved English Oak) A lovely and slow growing selection of oak, Quercus robur 'Concordia' has superb, clear golden-yellow leaves and was first raised on a nursery in Belgium in the nineteenth century. This plant is currently unavailable and we sadly do not have any more in the pipeline for the near future. It will be a long wait but please enter... View
Sorry, now sold out Quercus Quercus robur 'Timuki' £48.00 (Purple-leaved English Oak) This rare purple leaved selection of our native pedunculate (English) oak was discovered in 1998 in Lithuania by a Mr Timuks, after whom it is named. This cultivar doesn't generally suffer from mildew which disfigures some oaks in summer, Quercus robur 'Timuki' has lovely, large leaves which are greenish-purple when they... View
In Stock Quercus Quercus rubra £29.95 (Red Oak) A vigorous tree medium sized to large tree native to North America and Canada with handsome toothed green leaves which appear as though they are on fire in autumn, turning lovely shades of dark red and orange before falling. View
Sorry, now sold out Quercus Quercus rubra 'Evenley Gold' £55.00 (Golden-leaved Oak) Quercus rubra 'Evenley Gold' is a very handsome tree with soft golden-green leaves in summer turning pink and red in autumn here in Derbyshire. The leaves seem to be more resistant to summer leaf scorch than those of a typical Quercus rubra 'Aurea' and so they should keep their colour well in most conditions. We have several specimens... View
Sorry, now sold out Quercus Quercus semecarpifolia £45.00 (Evergreen Oak) A rare tree in the United Kingdom, Quercus semecarpifolia has eye-catching leaves and is native to a huge area from Eastern Afghanistan to Western China. View
Sorry, now sold out Quercus Quercus texana 'New Madrid' £40.00 (Texas Red Oak) A new introduction to the United Kingdom with vividly coloured spring leaves, Quercus texana 'New Madrid' was first discovered growing in New Madrid, Missouri, USA. View
Sorry, now sold out Quercus Quercus x bimundorum 'Crimson Spire' £55.00 Quercus x bimundorum 'Crimson Spire' is a splendid new introduction to the United Kingdom with bright red autumn colour and an upright, columnar habit. View
Very limited number of young plants available this year Rehderodendron Rehderodendron macrocarpum £65.00 A rare, deciduous small tree native to parts of Western China with clusters of lightly fragrant, bell-shaped white flowers in late spring or early summer. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Rhamnus Rhamnus alaternus 'Argenteovariegata' £25.00 A handsome medium sized evergreen shrub with green and creamy-white variegated foliage with irregular white margins. Best in sun or dappled shade with some shelter from strong winds. View
Sorry, now sold out Rhamnus Rhamnus frangula £19.95 (Alder Buckthorn) Rhamnus frangula is a native, medium sized to large shrub with dark green summer leaves, tiny white summer flowers and dark red berries. It is excellent for wildlife one of the few plants in our garden on which we are delighted to find caterpillars on, since it is the most important host plant to the beautiful Brimstone butterfly. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Rhamnus Rhamnus frangula 'Asplenifolia' £25.00 (Fine-leaved Alder Buckthorn) A fantastic foliage plant, this unusual, medium sized or eventually large shrub has very fine, deeply cut leaves, similar in appearance to some of the more dainty Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple) cultivars from a distance. The leaves are bright green in spring and summer before turning a lovely shades of bronze and yellow in... View
Sorry, now sold out Rhamnus Rhamnus frangula 'Fine Line' £48.00 (Columnar Alder Buckthorn) A new and exciting introduction, Rhamnus frangula 'Fine Line' is an upright, deciduous shrub with very narrow, fine, dark green leaves which turn butter yellow in autumn before falling. View
Sorry, now sold out Rhaphiolepis Rhaphiolepis 'Coates Crimson' £35.00 (Indian Hawthorn) Rhaphiolepis x delacourii 'Coates' Crimson' is an evergreen plant with panicles of pink, star-shaped flowers throughout late spring and summer. View
In Stock Rhaphiolepis Rhaphiolepis indica 'Red Cloud' £22.95 (Indian Hawthorn) New to us, Rhaphiolepis indica 'Red Cloud' is an unusual evergreen shrub with vibrant pinkish-red flowers in late Spring. Best flower display if planted in a sunny position with shelter from strong winds. May be grown in a large container. View
Sorry, now sold out Rhaphiolepis Rhaphiolepis indica 'White Cloud' £22.95 (Indian Hawthorn) Rhaphiolepis indica 'White Cloud' is an unusual evergreen shrub with masses of beautiful white flowers in late Spring. Best flower display if planted in a sunny position with shelter from strong winds. May be grown in a large container. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Rhaphithamnus Rhaphithamnus spinosus £29.95 An unusual evergreen shrub or small tree native to Chile and Argentina, Rhaphithamnus spinosus has glossy green leaves, sharp thorns and pale blue flowers in late spring. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Starstyle Lila' £40.00 New to us, Rhododendron 'Starstyle Lila' is a flamboyant compact, evergreen shrub with slender dark green leaves and masses of magenta-pink, star-shaped flowers in Spring. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Rhus Rhus aromatica 'Gro-Low' £29.95 (Fragrant Sumac) New to us, Rhus aromatica 'Gro-Low' is an eye-catching, low and spreading deciduous shrub which has dark green, three-lobed leaves in Spring and summer and clusters of scented yellowish-green flowers in late Spring which are popular with bees and butterflies. View
Sorry, now sold out Rhus Rhus typhina £38.00 (Stags Horn Sumach) Native to parts of the North-east USA, Rhus typhina is a tough, hardy deciduous shrub or eventually small, often very branching tree with long pinnate (feather-like) leaves which are bright green in summer, turning vivid shades of yellow, orange and red in autumn before falling. View
Sorry, now sold out Rhus Rhus typhina 'Laciniata' £42.00 Rhus typhina 'Laciniata' is an elegant hardy, large, branching shrub with long and deeply cut dark green leaves which turn exquisite shades of red and orange in autumn. View
Sorry, now sold out Rhus Rhus typhina 'Tiger Eyes' £35.00 (Staghorn Sumac) New to us, Rhus typhina 'Tiger Eyes' is a lovely compact medium-sized shrub with eye-catching long golden-green leaves which turn vivid shades of red, orange and gold before falling in autumn before falling. View
Sorry, now sold out Ribes Ribes laurifolium BlueBell Nursery £19.95 (Evergreen Flowering Currant) An unusual native to parts of Western China this is an evergreen shrub with lovely, sweetly scented flowers in late winter or early spring. The cup-shaped, flowers are greenish-yellow and hang in pendant clusters. They stand out well against the large, leathery dark green leaves. A charming, low garden plant. Can be grown in... View
Sorry, now sold out Ribes Ribes speciosum £29.95 (Californian Fuchsia) A lovely plant which is a native of California and known for producing eye-catching, bright red, fuchsia-like, pendulous flowers in April. The lush green leaves are among the first to appear in spring and handsome red spines decorate the stems. Ribes speciosum is an ornamental plant for a warm area or when trained on a sunny wall.... View
Sorry, now sold out Robinia Robinia hispida £38.00 (Rose Acacia Shrub) A lovely plant native to the South-east United States, Robinia hispida has trailing panicles of pretty, rose-pink, pea-like flowers in midsummer which incidentally are edible. View
Robinia Robinia pseudoacacia 'Frisia' A popular garden tree, first raised at a nursery in Holland in 1935, Robinia pseudoacacia 'Frisia' has leaves that are rich golden yellow from late spring until autumn. This plant is currently listed on our website for Information Only - While an attractive tree if thriving, Robinia pseudoacacia 'Frisia' does not seem to enjoy our wet summers and we no... View
Sorry, now sold out Robinia Robinia x slavinii 'Hillieri' £38.00 (Rose Acacia Tree) A beautiful small tree originally raised on Hillier's Nursery in the 1930's, Robinia x slavinii 'Hillieri' has pretty, slightly fragrant, pale-pink flowers borne in abundance in early summer. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Romneya Romneya coulteri £35.00 (Californian Tree Poppy) A stunning vigorous, semi-herbaceous shrub bearing pure-white, fragrant flowers, up to 13 - 16 cm in diameter from July until October. Most suitable for a sunny, sheltered and well drained, position. View
In Stock Rostrinucula Rostrinucula dependens £38.00 (Weeping Rostrinucula) An unusual small to medium sized shrub native to parts of China which has an attractive arching habit and once established is covered by masses of pendulous pale pink flowers in late summer, popular with bees and butterflies. View
Sorry, now sold out Rubus Rubus biflorus £22.95 (Himalayan Briar ) Native to parts of China and the Himalayas, Rubus biflorus is a vigorous briar with dazzling, tall white stems throughout the winter months. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Rubus Rubus calophyllus £22.95 (Briar) Rubus calophyllus is a a highly ornamental unusual shrub native to parts of China, Bhutan, Tibet and North India with arching branches and large, very handsome, deeply veined leaves. Leaves are dark green in the underside covered with fine silvery hairs. Established plants have dark red flowers once established and orange-red fruit in autumn. Most... View