Sorry, now sold out Philadelphus Philadelphus coronarius 'Aureus' £18.95 (Golden-leaved Mock Orange) A colourful shrub, Philadelphus coronarius 'Aureus' has soft golden yellow leaves in spring and early summer, darkening to yellow-green in late summer and autumn. View
Sorry, now sold out Philadelphus Philadelphus x lemoinei 'Belle Etoile' £18.95 (Mock Orange) Philadelphus x lemoinei 'Belle Etoile' is a compact shrub with masses of beautiful and highly fragrant, four-petalled, single white flowers in early summer. View
Sorry, now sold out Philadelphus Philadelphus x lemoinei 'Manteau d'Hermine' £18.95 (Compact Mock Orange) Philadelphus x lemoinei 'Manteau d'Hermine' is a dwarf, compact shrub with heavily scented, creamy-white, double flowers. View
Sorry, now sold out Phillyrea Phillyrea latifolia BlueBell Nursery £19.95 An elegant evergreen plant, Phillyrea latifolia is an olive-like shrub native to the Mediterranean region and Western Asia. View
Sorry, now sold out Phormium Phormium 'Back in Black' £18.95 (New Zealand flax) An evergreen plant, Phormium 'Back in Black' has a compact habit with narrow, nearly black upright leaves once established. Foliage colour will be most vivid and eye-catching if planted in a warm, sunny position. Can be grown in a large container if required. View
On sale! -15% In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Photinia Photinia davidiana 'Fructu Luteo' £33.96 £39.95 (Yellow-berried Photinia) An unusual semi-evergreen shrub with clusters of small white flowers in early summer followed by masses of bright yellow fruit in late summer or autumn. Excellent bushy shrub for screening or as a foil for others plants in sun or dappled shade. View
Sorry, now sold out Photinia Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin' £16.95 Popular evergreen shrub with colourful young foliage, Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin' has rich-red new shoots and leaves, which darken to a glossy dark green once mature. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Physocarpus Physocarpus opulifolius 'All Red' £19.95 (Ninebark) New to us, this is a slow growing, compact small or eventually medium sized deciduous shrub with dark coppery-red leaves and rounded clusters of white flowers in summer. The young leaves are most vibrant in Spring, turning darker purple red in summer. They also develop purple, bronze and orange tints as they fall in autumn. Robust and hardy,... View
Sorry, now sold out Physocarpus Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diable D'Or' £22.95 (Ninebark) A highly ornamental medium sized shrub, Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diable D'Or' is tough and reliable with colourful coppery-red spring leaves which gradually darken to deep purple in summer. View
Sorry, now sold out Physocarpus Physocarpus opulifolius 'Aurea' £19.95 (Ninebark) Physocarpus opulifolius 'Aurea' is a hardy, medium sized shrub with eye-catching lime green (in shade) or golden yellow (in sun) leaves in spring and summer. View
Sorry, now sold out Physocarpus Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diablo' £19.95 (Ninebark) An ornamental species native to Central and Eastern North America, Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diablo' is a flowering shrub with superb, rich-chocolate purple coloured leaves all summer. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Physocarpus Physocarpus opulifolius 'Panther' £19.95 (Black-leaved Ninebark) New to us, this is a small to medium sized, deciduous shrub with striking dark purplish-black summer leaves. Clusters of pinkish-white flowers stand out well against the dark leaves in summer. The leaves have purple and orange tints before falling in autumn. Grows well in sun or shade but usually has the most vibrantly colourful... View
New Sorry, now sold out Pieris Pieris japonica 'Glowing Hearts' £29.95 (Lily of the Valley) New to us this is a stunning small, evergreen compact shrub with glowing bright scarlet young growth in Spring. These eye-catching young leaves gradually turn green later in the summer. Clusters of creamy white bell-like flowers appear on the branches in late Spring. Best in sun or dappled shade with some shelter from strong winds.... View
Sorry, now sold out Pistacia Pistacia chinensis £35.00 (Chinese Pistache) Rare in the United Kingdom, Pistacia chinensis is a large shrub with dark green, pinnate (feather-like) leaves which turn bright scarlet red and orange before falling in View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Pittosporum Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Tom Thumb' £19.95 A dense, dwarf evergreen shrub, with lovely, wavy young leaves which emerge as a pale green colour and turn a deep, rich-purple as they mature in early summer. Although grown primarily for the ornamental foliage, occasional purplish flowers can appear in early summer. With the colourful leaves providing year round interest, Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Tom... View
Platanus Platanus orientalis 'Digitata' (Cut-leaf Plane) An unusual cut-leaf tree originating from south-eastern Europe, Platanus orientalis 'Digitata' has very interesting, green, deeply cut leaves with 5 distinctive lobes. View
Sorry, now sold out Platycrater Platycrater arguta £25.00 Platycrater arguta is a rare shrub native to parts of China which is similar in a appearance to a Hydrangea with slender bright green leaves and eye-catching white, four petaled flowers in mid summer. View
Very limited number of plants available this year Poliothyrsis Poliothyrsis sinensis £55.00 (Chinese Pearlbloom) A rare small tree native to Central China, Poliothyrsis sinensis has beautiful racemes of delicate white flowers in late summer. View
Sorry, now sold out Poncirus Poncirus trifoliata £19.95 (Bitter Orange) A handsome and unusual plant native to parts of China and Korea, Poncirus trifoliata is self-fertile and has lovely, fragrant white flowers in late spring. View
Sorry, now sold out Populus Populus balsamifera 'Vita Sackville West' £35.00 (Balsam Poplar) Populus balsamifera 'Vita Sackville West' is a fine selection of balsam poplar which comes from Vita Sackville West's garden and as the young leaves emerge in spring the air around this fast growing large tree is infused with the lovely smell of balsam. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Populus Populus tremula £39.95 (Trembling Aspen) A vigorous deciduous tree, Populus tremula has toothed dark, green leaves which turn attractive shades of yellow, orange or red before falling in autumn. The leaves tremble in the wind hence the common name. Both very ornamental and a useful screening tree which is very hardy and tolerant of wind and damp soils. View
Sorry, now sold out Populus Populus tremula 'Erecta' £49.95 (Columnar Aspen) Populus tremula 'Erecta' is a striking, remarkably narrow, fast growing tree with pretty, rounded leaves which turn golden-orange and a rich burgundy-red in early autumn. View
New In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Potentilla Potentilla fruticosa 'Bella Lindsey' £18.95 (Cinquefoil) New to us, this is a small rounded deciduous shrub with lush green leaves and masses of bright yellow flowers over a long period in summer once established. Low maintenance and will usually flower best in a position with sun or light, dappled shade. Grows well in a large container. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Potentilla Potentilla fruticosa 'Danny Boy' £18.95 (Cinquefoil) New to us, Potentilla fruticosa 'Danny Boy' is a small, rounded shrub with green summer leaves and masses of large (up to 2 - 3 cm wide) rich pink flowers in summer. These flowers stand out very well against the silvery-green leaves. Very eye-catching flower displays once established. Flowers best in a sunny spot and will grow well in a... View
Sorry, now sold out Prunus Prunus 'Accolade' £55.00 (Flowering Cherry) A lovely small flowering tree, Prunus 'Accolade' has a superb display of semi-double, pale-pink flowers in mid-spring. View
In Stock Prunus Prunus 'Beni-yutaka' £55.00 (Flowering Cherry) One of our most reliable flowering trees, Prunus 'Beni-yutaka' has an excellent display of large, bright pink semi to double flowers with an unusual, dark eye each spring. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Prunus Prunus 'Collingwood Ingram' £65.00 (Flowering Cherry) An unusual small cherry tree with masses of very pretty, deep-pink spring flowers which was originally selected from a set of Prunus 'Kursar' seedlings. View
Only one plant currently left in stock Prunus Prunus 'Daikoku' £55.00 (Flowering Cherry) Prunus 'Daikoku' is a lovely small tree once established with a fairly upright habit initially and masses of double pale pink flowers in Spring. View
Sorry, now sold out Prunus Prunus 'Gyoiko' £55.00 (Flowering Cherry) A fascinating cherry tree, Prunus 'Gyoiko' has masses of white (with a hint of green), semi double flowers in mid Spring. View
Only one plant currently left in stock Prunus Prunus 'Horinji' £48.00 (Flowering Cherry) An unusual and superb, deciduous small or eventually medium sized tree once established with masses of of large semi-double white to pale pink flowers covering the branches in Spring each year. Dark green summer leaves with orange and purple tints in autumn before they fall. Growing with an upright, usually fairly slender habit... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Prunus Prunus 'Jacqueline' £55.00 (Ornamental Cherry) New to us, Prunus 'Jacqueline' is a lovely, elegant small tree with masses of large, single, soft pink flowers in early April. The plants currently available are to large to be sent out with our mail order service and can only be ordered for collection from our nursery. If you add this plant to your basket the only delivery option... View
In Stock Prunus Prunus 'Kiku-shidare-zakura' £55.00 (Weeping Cherry) A classic and elegant, small weeping cherry tree superb for gardens with limited with space which has arching branches which are covered with bright pink, double flowers in spring. View
Sorry, now sold out Prunus Prunus 'Kursar' £55.00 (Ornamental Cherry) One of the finest cherries for early spring flowers, Prunus 'Kursar' grows to be a small elegant tree with masses of bright pink flowers before the leaves emerge in March and April. Leading shoots pruned to encourage branching once established. View
In Stock Prunus Prunus 'Matsumae hana-guruma' £55.00 (Flowering Cherry) Prunus 'Matsumae hana-guruma' is an unusual and highly ornamental small to medium sized tree with double flowers usually dark pink in bud, fading to pale pink-white once open. View
In Stock Prunus Prunus 'Matsumae-fuki' £55.00 (Flowering Cherry) Also known as Prunus 'Chocolate Ice', this is an eye-catching, small, upright tree with clusters of large single, white flowers and lovely deep chocolate-brown young leaves in spring. As the leaves age in summer they gradually turn dark green. The combination of pretty white flowers against the dark leaves makes Prunus 'Chocolate Ice' a... View
In Stock Prunus Prunus 'Pandora' £55.00 (Flowering Cherry) A lovely small ornamental tree, Prunus 'Pandora' has an upright habit and masses of pale pink to white flowers in spring. View