Supplied Size: 2L deep pots (50 - 60 cm tall) Lonicera Lonicera japonica 'Mint Crisp' £35.00 (Variegated Honeysuckle) An eye-catching honeysuckle with cool green and cream marbled summer leaves and fragrant, white flowers which fade to yellow in early and late summer. Suitable for sun or dappled shade against a wall or fence. Good for brightening up a slightly shady part of the garden! View
On sale! -30% In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Lonicera Lonicera nitida 'Golden Glow' £13.27 £18.95 (Golden-leaved Honeysuckle) New to us this is a small and compact evergreen shrub with bright golden-green leaves through the year and tiny, white flowers in Spring. Slow growing and suitable for small gardens it can also be pruned to shape for hedging or topiary. Can be grown well in a large container if required. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Lonicera Lonicera periclymenum 'Serotina' £20.95 (Honeysuckle) A lovely honeysuckle with a particularly long flowering period, Lonicera periclymenum 'Serotina' has clusters of fragrant, creamy white, flushed reddish-purple flowers in late summer. These flowers are popular with insects including bees and stand out very well against the dark green leaves. Ideal for growing up trellis or along wires... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Lonicera Lonicera similis var delavayi £35.00 A handsome semi-evergreen climbing honeysuckle with dark green, ovate leaves and masses of scented white and cream flowers in summer. Ideal as a scented climber for a wall or fence in sun or dappled shade. View
New In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Lonicera Lonicera standishii £25.00 (Evergreen Honeysuckle) An unusual semi-evergreen, medium sized shrub with has narrow, dark green leaves and lovely fragrant, creamy-white flowers in late winter once established. View
Sorry, now sold out Lonicera Lonicera standishii 'Budapest' £29.95 A rare semi-evergreen honeysuckle, Lonicera standishii 'Budapest' is a compact medium sized shrub with beautiful, scented pinkish-white flowers which emerge in late winter and narrow lance shaped leaves. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Lonicera Lonicera x purpusii 'Winter Beauty' £22.95 (Winter Flowering Honeysuckle) A wonderful medium sized, semi-evergreen shrub with dark green summer leaves which is is well know for producing masses of creamy-white, fragrant flowers in midwinter. Ideal for adding winter scent to a mixed border and also grows well in a large container. View
Sorry, now sold out Luma Luma apiculata £25.00 (Chilean Myrtle ) Native to the central Andes mountains in South America, Luma apiculata is a striking large, evergreen shrub with attractive bark and pretty white flowers in late summer. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Luma Luma apiculata 'Glanleam Gold' £29.95 (Variegated Myrtle) Luma apiculata 'Glanleam Gold' is an unusual, medium sized, evergreen aromatic shrub which has dark green leaves with attractive golden edges and clusters of pretty white flowers in summer. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Maackia Maackia amurensis £45.00 (Chinese Yellow Wood) Rare and handsome small tree native to parts of Northern China and Korea, Maackia amurensis has new leaves in spring which are a beautiful ghostly, silver-blue in colour. As these leaves age they darken to a cool green which last until autumn before falling. Delightful, upright panicles of creamy-white, slightly fragrant flowers... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Maclura Maclura pomifera £45.00 (Osage orange) An unusual small tree in the UK, Maclura pomifera has thorny branches and once established, large & pale yellow, orange-like fruit (male and female plants required). View
Sorry, now sold out Maddenia Maddenia hypoleuca £35.00 A rare shrub or eventually small tree, Maddenia hypoleuca has cherry-like dark green leaves, which are tinged bronze or purple when they emerge in spring. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Magnolia Magnolia 'Advance' £48.00 A small or eventually medium sized tree with masses of gorgeous large goblet-shaped dark-pink to purple flowers in Spring. Large dark green oval leaves in summer. Best flower display is usually seen when planted in a position sheltered from strong wind with sun or light, dappled shade. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Magnolia Magnolia 'Aphrodite' £48.00 Magnolia 'Aphrodite' is a small deciduous tree with oval green summer leaves and eye-catching goblet-shaped magenta-pink flowers in Spring. The flowers usually appear on the bare branches before the leaves emerge in Spring. Best in a position sheltered from strong wind with sun or light, dappled shade. View
Sorry, now sold out Magnolia Magnolia 'Black Tulip' £58.00 A fantastic selection, Magnolia 'Black Tulip' grows to be a large shrub initially, eventually a small rounded tree with large, rounded, tulip-shaped, deep purple-red flowers in Spring. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Magnolia Magnolia 'Butterflies' £48.00 A lovely tall shrub in the short term or eventually, compact small tree once established with creamy-yellow flowers (with slender petals) in late spring which are said to look like butterflies sitting in the branches. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Magnolia Magnolia 'Charles Coates' £55.00 Magnolia x 'Charles Coates' is a cross between Magnolia sieboldii and Magnolia tripetala originally raised at Kew, growing to be a large shrub or eventually small, rounded tree with creamy-white fragrant flowers with a cerise center in early summer. View
New In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Magnolia Magnolia 'Cleopatra' £48.00 A stunning small, upright tree with impressive, goblet shaped, purple-red flowers in mid Spring Best in a south-west or west facing position to reduce the risk of frost catching the flowers in Spring. View
New Only one plant currently left in stock Magnolia Magnolia 'Columnar Pink' £48.00 New to us this is a lovely, columnar Magnolia growing as a small, upright tree with pale pink tulip-shaped flowers in late April. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Magnolia Magnolia 'Copeland Court' £48.00 (Magnolia) A small or eventually medium sized, spreading tree Magnolia sprengeri var diva 'Copeland Court' has masses of large, rich pink flowers in Spring once established. The summer leaves are oval and dark green in colour. Fantastic specimen plant and suited to a good position in sun or light, dappled shade. Best in a west facing position in our... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Magnolia Magnolia 'Evenley Gift' £48.00 Originally selected at Evenley Wood Garden in Northamptonshire, Magnolia 'Evenley Gift' is lovely shrub or eventually small tree with eye-catching, delicate white flowers with a slight purple base. The summer leaves are dark green and oval in shape. Most suitable for a position in sun or dappled shade with some shelter from strong winds.. View
Sorry, now sold out Magnolia Magnolia 'Felix Jury' £48.00 (Magnolia) A superb small tree with masses of large, deep pink flowers with broad petals in spring. Large dark green summer leaves. An established specimen growing by our car park gives a fantastic display of flowers each year. Best in a position with full sun or light, dappled shade which does not receive sunlight first thing in the morning. Very limited... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Magnolia Magnolia 'Galaxy' £48.00 Magnolia x 'Galaxy' is a beautiful, upright small tree once established with masses of gorgeous purple-red flowers in late spring or early summer. View
Only one plant currently left in stock Magnolia Magnolia 'Genie' £55.00 Magnolia 'Genie' is a small, compact tree once established with a superb display of tulip-like dark burgundy flowers in spring. View
Sorry, now sold out Magnolia Magnolia 'Ian's Red' £48.00 Sought after for its vibrant early colour, Magnolia x 'Ian's Red' has large, vivid purple-red, saucer shaped flowers in March or April. One of our favourite Magnolia. Dark green, oval summer leaves. Grows at a moderate rate into a tall shrub initially or eventually a small tree and is best in a position with full sun or light, dappled shade which does not... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Magnolia Magnolia 'Joli Pompom' £55.00 (Magnolia) New to us, Magnolia 'Joli Pompom' is a superb upright shrub or eventually very small tree with eye-catching pure white flowers in Spring. The flower stamen are pale pink in colour. Summer leaves are dark green. Best in a south-west or west facing position to reduce the risk of frost catching the flowers in Spring. Reduced to £48 each when... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Magnolia Magnolia 'Leda' £45.00 Magnolia 'Leda' grows to be a stunning tall shrub or eventually small, branching tree with masses of large pure white, saucer-shaped flowers in Spring. Summer leaves are dark green. Best in a south-west or west facing position to reduce the risk of frost catching the flowers in Spring. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Magnolia Magnolia 'Livingstone' £48.00 A small tree with sensational flowers, Magnolia 'Livingstone' has large numbers of vibrant dark purple-red flowers in spring once established. Young plants are upright in habit, gradually becoming more rounded when mature. Best flower display in a position with sun or light, dappled shade. View
Sorry, now sold out Magnolia Magnolia 'Lois' £48.00 A very handsome small tree and one of the best yellow-flowered Magnolia once established, this has masses of bright yellow flowers in spring once established. These flowers appear before or as the leaves emerge. Dark green oval summer leaves. Suitable for small gardens and a position in full sun or light, dappled shade. View
Limited availability this year Magnolia Magnolia 'Margaret Helen' £48.00 An unusual small tree, Magnolia 'Margaret Helen' has masses of beautiful large, clear rose-red flowers in Spring. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Magnolia Magnolia 'Old Port' £48.00 (Magnolia) A large shrub, upright initially becoming more rounded with age which has masses of flowers in spring, wine red on the outside of the petals, pale inside. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Magnolia Magnolia 'Pegasus' £48.00 A handsome small tree, Magnolia 'Pegasus' has masses of eye-catching white tulip-shaped flowers, pink at the base in spring once established. These flowers seem to be fairly frost resistant. Dark green summer leaves. Suitable for small gardens and a position in full sun or light, dappled shade. View
Sorry, now sold out Magnolia Magnolia 'Phillip Tregunna' £55.00 A very attractive small tree (larger in very sheltered areas), Magnolia 'Phillip Tregunna' has large rich purplish-pink flowers in spring once established, sometimes up to 20 - 25 cm across. View
Sorry, now sold out Magnolia Magnolia 'Sir Harold Hillier' £48.00 An unusual hybrid, Magnolia 'Sir Harold Hillier' grows to be a small to medium sized tree with fantastic large, pure white flowers once established in March and April. View
New In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Magnolia Magnolia 'Sybille' £48.00 An unusual small or eventually medium sized, deciduous tree with stunning, very large pure-white flowers in Spring which have pink stamen. A hybrid between Magnolia 'Leda' and Magnolia 'White Giant'. View
Only one plant currently left in stock Magnolia Magnolia 'Theodora' £48.00 A fantastic Magnolia raised by Maurice Foster which has masses of large, rich dark pink goblet-shaped flowers in early Spring. A specimen in our arboretum (shown in the photos) flowers reliably each year. Dark green oval summer leaves. Best flower display once established in a position sheltered from strong wind with sun or light, dappled shade. View