Sorry, now sold out Hamamelis Hamamelis x intermedia 'Aurora' £49.95 (Witch Hazel) Hamamelis x intermedia 'Aurora' is a large shrub or eventually very small tree which has long, strongly fragrant, copper-yellow flowers in late winter. View
Sorry, now sold out Hamamelis Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane' £49.95 (Witch Hazel) Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane' is a large shrub with vibrant red winter flowers which was raised in 1969 at Although arboretum in Belgium. View
Sorry, now sold out Hamamelis Hamamelis x intermedia 'Foxy Lady' £49.95 (Witch Hazel) New to us, Hamamelis x intermedia 'Foxy Lady' has masses of eye-catching, lightly scented, dark scarlet flowers in late winter once established. Available Summer 2025 View
Sorry, now sold out Hamamelis Hamamelis x intermedia 'Jelena' £49.95 (Witch Hazel) An eye-catching medium sized or eventually large shrub raised at the Kalmthout Arboretum in Belgium which has a superb display of beautiful, copper-orange coloured flowers in winter each year. Best flower display usually seen when planted in a position with plenty of sun. Grows well in a large container. View
In Stock Hamamelis Hamamelis x intermedia 'Limelight' £49.95 (Witch Hazel) A subtle selection, Hamamelis x intermedia 'Limelight' has unscented flowers with very pale yellow, almost tinged with green petals in late winter and early spring. View
Sorry, now sold out Hamamelis Hamamelis x intermedia 'Orange Beauty' £49.95 (Witch Hazel) This is unusual and relatively new introduction to the United Kingdom grows to me a medium sized to large shrub with masses of strong orange/yellow flowers in early spring. View
Sorry, now sold out Hamamelis Hamamelis x intermedia 'Pallida' £49.95 (Witch Hazel) A sensational and popular witch hazel with lovely, scented sulphur yellow flowers that are borne in abundance in late winter and early spring. The leaves also have good yellow, orange and red autumn colour. Grows very well in a large container. View
Sorry, now sold out Hamamelis Hamamelis x intermedia 'Westerstede' £49.95 (Witch Hazel) Hamamelis x intermedia 'Westerstede' grows into a large, vase-shaped, deciduous shrub once established with masses of eye-catching, bright yellow, slightly scented flowers in late winter. View
New In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Hebe Hebe salicifolia 'Adel White' £25.00 (Willow-leaved Hebe) Our new introduction, this is a stunning and surprisingly hardy, evergreen medium sized shrub with glossy green, lance-shaped leaves and long racemes of white flowers in mid to late summer. Can be used as an informal hedging plant and also grows well in a large container. View
Sorry, now sold out Hedera Hedera helix 'Buttercup' £19.95 (Golden Ivy) A slow growing evergreen plant, Hedera helix 'Buttercup' has butter-yellow leaves and makes an attractive small climber or ground cover plant. View
Sorry, now sold out Hedera Hedera helix 'Erecta' £19.95 (Dwarf Ivy) Hedera helix 'Erecta' is a very slow growing, evergreen, dwarf shrub with unusual vertical branches covered with small dark green leaves. Very ornamental in a large container! View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Hedera Hedera helix 'Green Ripple' £19.95 (English Ivy) An evergreen, self-supporting ivy with bold dark green leaves, the edges of which are beautifully rippled. Tough, reliable and vigorous climber with ornamental leaves, ideal for growing in sun or shade up a wall or fence. View
On sale! -20% In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Hedera Hedera helix 'Minima' £15.96 £19.95 (Dwarf Ivy) A very slow growing, dwarf Ivy with dainty, small dark green leaves and an attractive trailing habit ideal for growing in a container or area with very limited space in sun or shade. A lovely plant but very slow growing and best for patient gardeners willing to watch it gradually develop. View
Sorry, now sold out Hedera Hedera helix 'Poetica' £18.95 (Poets Ivy) A dwarf, shrubby form of our native ivy with dark green glossy leaves and handsome, clear mustard-yellow berries in late spring/summer. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Hedera Hedera nepalensis £22.95 (Himalayan Ivy) An unusual Ivy, Hedera nepalensis has eye-catching slender, grey-green leaves with established plants producing clusters of yellowish summer flowers, popular with insects including bees and butterflies which are followed by colourful yellow or orange berries. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Heptacodium Heptacodium miconioides £48.00 (Seven Son Flower of Zheijiang) Heptacodium miconioides is a handsome and unusual shrub native to parts of China grown for its distinctive, long lasting clusters of white flowers in autumn. View
Only one plant currently left in stock Hibiscus Hibiscus syriacus 'Lavender Chiffon' £29.95 (Rose of Sharon) Hibiscus syriacus 'Lavender Chiffon' is a medium sized, upright, vase-shaped shrub with large double lavender pink flowers in late summer to early autumn. View
Sorry, now sold out Hibiscus Hibiscus syriacus 'Marina' £19.95 (Rose of Sharon) Hibiscus syriacus 'Marina' is an improved form of Hibiscus 'Bluebird' with stronger, more reliable growth and flowers which are a richer shade of blue. View
Sorry, now sold out Hippophae Hippophae rhamnoides 'Leikora' (Female) £22.50 (Sea Buckthorn) Female selection of Hippophae rhamnoides with colourful, bold displays of berries in autumn and winter. View
Sorry, now sold out Hippophae Hippophae rhamnoides 'Pollmix' (Male) £22.50 (Sea Buckthorn) A male selection of Hippophae rhamnoides which flowers in spring and will pollinate nearby female Hippophae which flower at the same time, including 'Leikora'. View
New In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Hoheria Hoheria sexstylosa 'Pendula' £48.00 (Lacebark or Ribbonwood) New to us, this is a lovely semi-evergreen shrub or very small tree once established which develops arching, semi-pendulous branches once established and has masses of lovely white flowers in summer. View
Sorry, now sold out Hoheria Hoheria sexstylosa 'Stardust' £45.00 (Lacebark or Ribbonwood) Native to the forests of New Zealand this an upright, evergreen shrub or eventually very small tree with glossy green leaves and masses of pure-white flowers from mid to late summer. These flowers are popular with insects including bees and particularly eye-catching against the green foliage. Hoheria sexstylosa 'Stardust' will... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Hoheria Hoheria x 'Glory of Amlwch' £48.00 A stunning flowering plant which grows as a semi-evergreen shrub or very small, bushy tree with grey-green leaves and masses of beautiful white flowers in mid summer. View
Sorry, now sold out Holodiscus Holodiscus discolor £19.95 (Ocean Spray) A very hardy shrub native to Western North America with lovely panicles of slightly scented, creamy-white flowers in summer. The masses of flowers on an established plant look a little like the spray from sea waves hitting the shore, hence the common name. It is deciduous with the dark green summer leaves turning bronze and yellow before... View
Sorry, now sold out Hovenia Hovenia dulcis £35.00 (Japanese Raisin Tree) An unusual plant native to Eastern Asia, Hovenia dulcis grows to be a very small tree in the UK with oval or heart-shaped green leaves and clusters of creamy yellow flowers in Summer. View
New In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Hydrangea Hydrangea 'Glyn Church' £25.00 An unusual Hydrangea growing to be a medium sized shrub once established with lovely, rounded clusters of white flowers in summer which gradually turn pink as they age. View
New In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Hydrangea Hydrangea anomala 'Bright Side' £29.95 (Golden-leaved Climbing Hydrangea) New to us this is a stunning deciduous climber suitable for sun or dappled shade which has golden-green leaves in spring which turn lime green later on in summer. Suitable for growing in a large container or in gardens with limited space. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Hydrangea Hydrangea anomala 'Crûg Coral' £29.95 (Climbing Hydrangea) New to us, Hydrangea anomala 'Crûg Coral' is a very handsome deciduous climber which has dusky red flower bracts initially in early summer fading to creamy-pink later on. The leaves are dark green in colour turning yellow and bronze in autumn before falling. When established, this makes a stunning, self-clinging wall plant and can... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Hydrangea Hydrangea anomala 'Flying Saucer' £29.95 (Climbing Hydrangea) New to us this is a hardy, deciduous climber with bright green spring leaves turning dark green later on and very large, rounded clusters of creamy white flowers in summer. The flowers heads are larger than those of a typical Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris. Best display of flowers once established if grown against a wall or fence... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Hydrangea Hydrangea anomala subsp petiolaris £22.95 (Climbing Hydrangea) A handsome, versatile, deciduous climber ideal for sun or shade which has fresh-green leaves and masses of lovely white lacecap-style flower clusters, up to 25cm (10 inches) across in early summer. View
Sorry, now sold out Hydrangea Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' £18.95 (Sevenbark) A hardy native of the United States, this very ornamental, deciduous shrub has large, round white flower heads in late summer. One of the loveliest and most popular flowering garden shrubs, ideal for sun or shade. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Hydrangea Hydrangea arborescens 'Emerald Lace' BlueBell Nursery £22.95 (Cut-leaf Hydrangea) Hydrangea arborescens 'Emerald Lace' is an unusual medium sized shrub with white lace-cap flowers in summer and deeply-cut, dark green leaves. View
Sorry, now sold out Hydrangea Hydrangea arborescens 'Incrediball' £35.00 (Sevenbark) A superb new selection, Hydrangea arborescens 'Incrediball' has huge spherical heads of jade green flowers turning white as they mature, up to 30 - 35 cm in diameter on established plants in summer. The flowers stand out well against the dark green leaves. Similar to Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' in appearance but with larger flowers and a... View
Only one plant currently left in stock Hydrangea Hydrangea arborescens 'Invincibelle' £35.00 (Sevenbark) A medium sized, deciduous shrub with a superb display of large rounded heads of vibrant pink flowers in summer, giving a long lasting display of colour. Dark green summer leaves. Perfect for a position in sun or dappled shade, ideally with a little shelter from strong winds. Can be grown well in a large container if required. View
Sorry, now sold out Hydrangea Hydrangea aspera 'Goldrush' £29.95 40(Rough-leaved Hydrangea) New to us, Hydrangea aspera 'Goldrush' is a lovely deciduous shrub with large soft golden leaves in spring, gradually turning pale green as they age into the summer. View
Sorry, now sold out Hydrangea Hydrangea aspera 'Mauvette' £28.00 (Rough-leaved Hydrangea) An eye-catching medium sized shrub with large lacecap clusters of mauve-pink flowers in late summer and dark green, soft and velvety leaves. The leaves are similar to those of a Hydrangea aspera subsp. sargentiana in appearance, although this it is a smaller plant once established. An excellent Hydrangea for a shady border! Grows... View