In Stock Vitis Vitis coignetiae 'Claret Cloak' BlueBell Nursery £39.95 (Crimson Glory Vine) A stunning, vigorous deciduous climber which has large dark green summer leaves and vivid shades of orange, red and yellow autumn colour before the leaves fall in late October. View
New Sorry, now sold out Vitis Vitis vinifera 'Incana' £39.95 (Dusty Miller Vine) An unusual vine with leaves covered with fine white hairs, giving them an attractive silvery-green appearance. These leaves turn shades of orange and purple in autumn before falling. Clusters of sweet black grapes appear on the branches in late summer when grown under glass or against a hot and sunny, wall or fence. Can be grown up... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Vitis Vitis vinifera 'Purpurea' £39.95 (Purple-leaved Vine) A lovely and unusual vine with burgundy-purple foliage all summer with the young growing tips an attractive, dusty grey. Vitis vinifera 'Purpurea' is particularly handsome when grown against pale brickwork or when associated and grown through grey leaved trees and shrubs. The colourful leaves gives it interest from spring until... View
Sorry, now sold out Vitis Vitis vinifera 'Spetchley Red' BlueBell Nursery £39.95 (Vine) A fantastic climber, Vitis vinifera 'Spetchley Red' has dark green leaves in summer which turn gorgeous shades of glowing red in autumn before falling. This is a vigorous climber, best in a position with some space to grow and a specimen in our woodland gardens has covered a young 20ft tall Pine tree after five or six years. Also grows well up... View
In Stock Weigela Weigela 'Picobella Rosa' £16.95 New to us, Weigela 'Picobella Rosa' is a delightful small, compact shrub with green summer leaves and masses of bell-shaped, vibrant pink flowers from early to late summer. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Weigela Weigela coraeensis £19.95 An unusual medium sized, deciduous shrub native to Japan with long- lasting, white flowers which gradually turn pink then red, giving the illusion of a plant bearing three differently coloured flowers. These eye-catching flowers stand out well against the large, bright green summer leaves. A spectacular yet often overlooked plant and a beautiful flowering... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Weigela Weigela florida 'Black and White' £16.95 Weigela florida 'Black and White' is a small, spreading shrub with bronze-green spring leaves which turn a lovely chocolate purple colour later in summer. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Weigela Weigela florida 'Evita' £16.95 A superb small to medium sized, deciduous shrub with masses of funnel-shaped, bright carmine-red flowers in spring or early summer. These flowers are very colourful and stand out well against the dark green summer leaves. Great for adding colour to a border in late Spring to early summer, this Weigela also grows well in a large container. View
New In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Weigela Weigela florida 'Moulin Rouge' £19.95 A colourful medium sized, deciduous shrub with golden-yellow and bright green variegated leaves and masses of dark purple-red flowers in late spring or early summer. Great for adding colour to a border in late Spring to early summer, this Weigela also grows well in a large container. View
On sale! -20% In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Weigela Weigela florida 'Princess Ayla' £15.16 £18.95 New to us, Weigela florida 'Princess Ayla' is densely branching compact shrub with lime-yellow leaves in spring which gradually turn darker green later on and handsome, tubular pink flowers in summer. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Weigela Weigela florida 'Variegata' BlueBell Nursery £18.95 Grown for its attractive summer foliage, Weigela florida 'Variegata' has creamy white edged green leaves and masses of pretty pale pink flowers in May or June. A popular and versatile shrub which flowers best in a sunny position and can be gently pruned to shape if required. Can be grown in a large container. View
Sorry, now sold out Weigela Weigela middendorffiana £18.95 (Middendorff Weigela) A compact shrubnative to parts of Japan and Northern China, Weigela middendorffiana has bell-shaped, yellow flowers with dark-orange markings in late spring and early summer. View
On sale! -30% In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Wisteria Wisteria 'Amethyst Falls' £24.50 £35.00 A handsome and compact climber, slower growing than most other Wisteria with an impressive display of fragrant, lilac pink-purple flower racemes in early summer once established. Suitable for climbing trellis or wires against a sunny wall or fence and areas with limited space. Can be grown in a large container if required. View
In Stock Wisteria Wisteria 'Burford' £35.00 A handsome deciduous climber with up to 30 - 40 cm long, racemes of beautiful, light lilac purple flowers in early summer once established. Bright green leaves turning shades of yellow as they fall in autumn. Reasonably vigorous, it is ideal for climbing up wires or trellis, flowering best against a sunny wall or fence. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Wisteria Wisteria brachybotrys 'Okayama' £35.00 (Silky Wisteria) One of our favourite climbers, Wisteria brachybotrys 'Okayama' has long, pendulous raecemes of beautiful, dark violet purple flowers in early summer once established. Reasonably vigorous, it is ideal for climbing up wires or trellis against a sunny wall or fence. Best flower display when planted in a position with plenty of sun. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Wisteria Wisteria brachybotrys 'Shiro-Kapitan' BlueBell Nursery £35.00 (Silky Wisteria) A reasonably vigorous climber covered with racemes of teardrop-shaped, creamy white flowers in early summer. Superb for climbing trellis or wires against a sunny wall or fence. Also spectacular when grow up and through established trees. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Wisteria Wisteria floribunda 'Lawrence' BlueBell Nursery £35.00 A beautiful climber, Wisteria floribunda 'Lawrence' has masses of lightly scented, pale violet-blue flowers in early summer. The leaves are bright green in summer turning pretty shades of yellow before falling in autumn. A popular plant for training along wires or up trellis against a sunny house wall or fence and also extremely attractive when grown... View
In Stock Wisteria Wisteria floribunda 'Macrobotrys' £35.00 Wisteria floribunda 'Macrobotrys' is a popular large climber, flowering best in a sunny position with very long, mauve-lilac flower racemes in early summer once established. Also known as Wisteria floribunda ‘Kyushaku’ and Wisteria floribunda 'Multijuga' View
Sorry, now sold out Wisteria Wisteria floribunda 'Rosea' £35.00 Wisteria floribunda 'Rosea' is a beautiful hardy, large climber with long, pendant clusters of fragrant, pale-pink, pea-like flowers in early summer. Dark green leaves in summer which turn shades of yellow before falling in autumn. Reasonably vigorous, it is ideal for climbing up wires or trellis against a sunny wall or fence. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Wisteria Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' £35.00 An unusual climber, Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple has long racemes of exquisite, perfumed, purple flowers in early summer. Dark green summer leaves with yellow and bronze tints before they fall in autumn. A popular plant for training along wires or up trellis against a sunny house wall or fence and also extremely attractive when grown through... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Wisteria Wisteria floribunda 'Violacea Plena' £35.00 Wisteria floribunda 'Violacea Plena' is a strong twining climber with long, pendulous clusters of double, pea-like pink to deep violet flowers in earl summer once established. The summer leaves are bright green with yellow and bronze tints before they fall in autumn. Best display of flowers if planted in a position with plenty of sun and ideally shelter... View
Sorry, now sold out Wisteria Wisteria sinensis 'Jako' £35.00 (Chinese Wisteria) Wisteria sinensis 'Jako' is a vigorous large climber with long racemes of fragrant white flowers (occasionally with a very pale pink tint) in early summer once established. The flowers usually appear before or as the young leaves emerge in Spring. Leaves once out are dark green in colour with yellow and bronze autumn tints. A popular... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Wisteria Wisteria sinensis 'Prolific' £35.00 (Chinese Wisteria) Wisteria sinensis 'Prolific' is a popular large climber with long racemes of fragrant lilac blue flowers in early summer. View
On sale! -20% In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Woodwardia Woodwardia fimbriata £15.96 £19.95 (Giant Chain Fern) An impressive large evergreen fern, Woodwardia fimbriata develops long, arching bright green fronds up to around 100 cm long in the UK (slightly longer in very mild areas). View
Sorry, now sold out Xanthoceras Xanthoceras sorbifolium £49.95 (Yellowhorn or Chinese Flowering Chestnut) A lovely, deciduous small tree native to northern China which has beautiful upright panicles of large white flowers with a deep red centre in late spring. The leaves are pale green and pinnate and similar in appearance to those of a Sorbus (Mountain Ash). In a good, warm position Xanthoceras sorbifolium will... View
Sorry, now sold out Xanthocyparis Xanthocyparis vietnamensis £35.00 (Vietnamese Golden Cypress) A very rare evergreen tree, Xanthocyparis vietnamensis is native to parts of Vietnam with golden-green foliage and both juvenile leaves (usually more, soft wide and spreading) and mature leaves (more needle/scale-like) on the same plant once established. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Zanthoxylum Zanthoxylum simulans £39.95 (Szechuan Pepper) A large hardy shrub native to China and Japan which has prickly stems and fine, pinnate leaves which turn lovely shades of creamy yellow in autumn. View
Sorry, now sold out Zelkova Zelkova carpinifolia £55.00 (Caucasian elm) Unusual in the UK, this is a slow growing small or eventually medium sized, deciduous tree once established with dark green, coarsely toothed leaves. Best in a sunny position with a little shelter from strong winds. View
Sorry, now sold out Zelkova Zelkova serrata £48.00 (Water Elm) A graceful, elegant tree introduced into the UK in 1861, Zelkova serrata has dark green, narrow leaves with a serrated edge and attractive autumn colour. View
Sorry, now sold out Zelkova Zelkova serrata 'Variegata' £55.00 A rare and slow growing shrub, Zelkova serrata 'Variegata' has an arching habit and lovely white variegated leaves. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Zenobia Zenobia pulverulenta 'Blue Skies' BlueBell Nursery £35.00 A handsome, semi-evergreen shrub native to the eastern United States, Zenobia is one of the most beautiful and neglected of early summer flowering shrubs. View
In Stock Zenobia Zenobia pulverulenta 'Raspberry Ripple' £35.00 An unusual and very pretty semi-evergreen shrub with powdery grey-green leaves and white flowers flushed with a tiny ripple of raspberry-pink in early summer. View