New In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Aesculus Aesculus x mutabilis 'Penduliflora' £48.00 (Horse chestnut) A rare and slow growing small tree with eye-catching pendulous branches once established and spikes of red and yellow flowers in late spring or early summer. Dark green summer leaves with yellow and orange tints before they fall in autumn. Not for instant gratification, this is best suited for a position in sun or dappled shade with some... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Agapanthus Agapanthus 'Fireworks' £14.95 (African lily) New to us, this is a clump forming evergreen perennial with slender dark green leaves and spikes of lovely violet-blue fading to white flowers in summer. Best is a sunny position with well drained soil and shelter from strong wind. Can be grown in a large container. View
Sorry, now sold out Agapanthus Agapanthus 'Golden Drop' £14.95 (Variegated African Lily) A compact evergreen perennial with eye-catching green and creamy-gold variegated leaves with clusters of fetching pale blue flowers in summer. The flower stems are up to 30 - 40 cm tall once established. Best flower display in a sunny position with well drained soil and shelter from strong wind. Can be grown well in a large... View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Ageratina Ageratina ligustrina £19.95 One of the very best plants for attracting bees and butterflies, this is an unusual, medium sized evergreen shrub with dark green leaves and long lasting, large, flattened, white flower heads in late summer. View
On sale! -20% In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Ajuga Ajuga reptans 'Catlin's Giant' £11.96 £14.95 (Bugle) An eye-catching ground cover perennial with large bronze-purple leaves and upright spikes of purple-blue flowers in late spring & early summer. Ajuga reptans 'Catlin's Giant' is ideal for a position in some sun or light - partial shade and will usually grow well under trees and shrubs. Does well when grown in a large container. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Akebia Akebia quinata £25.00 (Chocolate Vine) A superb vigorous, semi-evergreen climber with vibrant green leaves and clusters of small trailing, chocolate-purple flowers in spring. Excellent choice for climbing trellis or wires in full sun or dappled shade. View
Sorry, now sold out Akebia Akebia quinata 'Alba' BlueBell Nursery £39.95 (Chocolate vine) An eye catching selection of chocolate vine with white flowers, Akebia quinata 'Alba' is a semi-evergreen climber with cascades of fragrant, pure white flowers in spring which stand out well against the handsome, deep green leaves. An unusual plant and ideal for sun or light shade, growing up trellis or wires against walls, fences or a... View
On sale! -10% In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Alchemilla Alchemilla mollis £13.46 £14.95 (Lady's Mantle) A low growing, tough perennial from the Caucasus this is an excellent ground cover plant and useful for difficult situations such as dry shade. It's fresh looking, matt-green leaves are topped by a frothy mass of tiny yellow-green flowers from midsummer to late August. Alchemilla mollis will self seed freely and looks most attractive in a... View
Sorry, now sold out Alnus Alnus glutinosa 'Imperialis' £48.00 (Cut-leaf Alder)Slow growing and unusual, slender small tree with filigree-like, deeply cut, sea-green leaves a little similar in appearance to those of a maple. The leaves are exceptionally pretty and elegant and once established this Alder has an attractive, vaguely oriental appearance. Alnus glutinosa 'Imperialis' is a classic plant for damp sites and... View
In Stock Alnus Alnus incana 'Aurea' £75.00 (Golden Alder) A handsome and hardy, deciduous small or eventually medium sized tree with golden-green leaves and superb yellowish-red tinted catkins in early spring. Tolerant of wind and wet soil conditions. View
Product available with different options Amelanchier Amelanchier 'La Paloma' £48.00 (Snowy mespilus) A new and striking small tree, Amelanchier 'La Paloma' has masses of pure white flowers in spring, which stand out well against the coppery-bronze young leaves. View
Sorry, now sold out Amelanchier Amelanchier 'Princess Diana' £55.00 (Snowy Mespilus) Amelanchier 'Princess Diana' is a splendid very small tree once established with numerous clusters of pretty, white flowers in spring, followed by attractive, edible, purplish-blue fruit in summer. View
Product available with different options Amelanchier Amelanchier canadensis 'Rainbow Pillar' BlueBell Nursery £48.00 (Columnar Snowy Mespilus) Amelanchier canadensis 'Rainbow Pillar' is a superb small flowering tree with a distinctive narrow habit and vivid autumn colour. View
Sorry, now sold out Amelanchier Amelanchier lamarckii £29.95 (Snowy Mespilus) A popular garden tree, Amelanchier lamarckii has masses of star-shaped white flowering in spring and coppery coloured young leaves. View
Sorry, now sold out Amelanchier Amelanchier lamarckii 'Ballerina' £48.00 (Snowy mespilus) Lovely small tree suited for gardens with limited space, Amelanchier lamarckii 'Ballerina' is a free flowering selection with a superb display of white flowers in spring. View
Only one plant currently left in stock Amelanchier Amelanchier ovalis 'Edelweiss' £55.00 (Snowy Mespilus) Amelanchier ovalis 'Edelweiss' is an unusual small tree once established with masses of eye-catching, relatively large white flowers in spring. In our experience although lovely once established, Amelanchier ovalis 'Edelweiss' tends not to grow as strongly as the other Amelanchier listed on our website and can be slower to form a nice... View
Sorry, now sold out Amelanchier Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Robin Hill' £48.00 (Snowy Mespilus) Known as a superb and reliable small garden tree with year round interest, this has clusters of pink buds which open into pretty pale pink flowers in spring. These flowers then fade to white before falling and on an established tree are followed by edible berries in June - August which are popular with birds. The young leaves are an... View
Sorry, now sold out Amelasorbus Amelasorbus x raciborskiana £45.00 (Amelanchier x Sorbus) A rare hybrid, Amelasorbus x raciborskiana grows to be a small tree with white flowers in spring and dark green leaves which turn vivid shades of orange in autumn before falling. View
Sorry, now sold out Amorpha Amorpha fruticosa £28.00 (Indigo Bush) Amorpha fruticosa is unusual in the UK, growing to be a large shrub with pinnate green leaves and long, nearly black racemes of flowers in summer. View
Sorry, now sold out Anchusa Anchusa azurea 'Loddon Royalist' £14.95 (Bugloss) A lovely perennial with bristly, mid-green leaves and spikes of brilliant blue flowers all summer. The flowers are attractive to insects including bees and butterflies. Anchusa azurea 'Loddon Royalist' usually grows and flowers best in a site with full sun and good drainage. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Anemone Anemone 'Pamina' BlueBell Nursery £14.95 (Windflower) A late summer flowering perennial with stems supporting large bright purplish-pink, double flowers in August and September. The leaves are dark green. An attractive, neat perennial ideal for a sunny position. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Anemone Anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert' £14.95 (Japanese Anemone) A fabulous medium sized perennial for late summer colour, Anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert' has masses of elegant white flowers from August well into autumn. View
In Stock (shipped within 2-3 working days) Anemone Anemone x hybrida 'Queen Charlotte' £14.95 A charming upright perennial with dark green leaves and flower stems in late summer and early autumn with lovely semi-double clear pink flowers. Best flower display in sun or dappled shade. View
New Sorry, now sold out Aralia Aralia cordata 'Sun King' £25.00 (Udo) New to us, Aralia cordata 'Sun King' is an unusual herbaceous plant forming a mound of stems covered with ornamental golden-yellow leaves in Spring and summer. Clusters of small white flower appear in mid to late summer followed by purple berries. A spectacular foliage plant for sun or dappled shade. Can be grown in a large container. View
Sorry, now sold out Aralia Aralia elata £22.50 (Japanese Angelica-tree) A plant native to parts of Eastern Asia, Aralia elata has huge, bi-pinnate leaves which can be up to 100 - 125 cm long on an established plants. View
Sorry, now sold out Araucaria Araucaria araucana £25.00 (Monkey Puzzle) Araucaria araucana is majestic and well known tree with an architectural habit and branches, covered with thick, scale-like, triangular leaves, dark green and broad at the base, with razor-sharp edges. View
Sorry, now sold out Arbutus Arbutus unedo 'Compacta' £22.95 (Dwarf Strawberry Tree) Smaller than the other strawberry trees listed here, this is an attractive evergreen shrub with masses of creamy white flowers in late summer or early autumn. The flowers are followed by red, edible, strawberry-like fruit. These ornamental fruit can take up to a year to ripen fully. The flowers are very popular with insects and in... View
Collect from nursery only Arbutus Arbutus x 'Marina' £125.00 (Strawberry Tree) An unusual selection, Arbutus 'Marina' is evergreen and has large, glossy leaves (much larger than those of a Arbutus unedo) and racemes of creamy white flowers in autumn. The plants currently available are to large and heavy to send with our normal mail order service. They are available for collection from our nursery only. View
Sorry, now sold out Arbutus Arbutus unedo £22.95 (Strawberry Tree) Arbutus unedo is a gorgeous evergreen shrub or eventually small tree with white or pale pink pitcher-like flowers in autumn followed by bright red, edible, strawberry-like fruit. View
In Stock Aronia Aronia melanocarpa £25.00 Native to the low lying woodlands of Eastern North America, Aronia melanocarpa is a handsome deciduous shrub with good purple and orange autumn colour which also has small clusters of white flowers in spring followed by masses of rounded, purplish-black berries in autumn. Good for wildlife including bees and insects! View
Sorry, now sold out Artemisia Artemisia ludoviciana 'Silver Queen' £12.95 (Mugwort) Artemisia ludoviciana 'Silver Queen' is a handsome clump-forming perennial which is grown for its display of slender, silvery-green aromatic leaves in spring and summer. View
Sorry, now sold out Arum Arum italicum 'Pictum' £14.95 (Lords and Ladies) A fascinating herbaceous perennial with large green arrow-shaped leaves and creamy white veins that are handsome throughout the winter months. This is the true form propagated from divisions rather than by seed. This plant is unusual in that the leaves generally emerge in autumn or early winter and last through to early summer before... View
Sorry, now sold out Arundo Arundo donax £19.95 (Giant Reed) Arundo donax is a majestic, tall perennial grass which is a native of the Camargue, a huge, marshy river delta in south France. This plant is currently unavailable and we sadly do not have any more in the pipeline for the near future. It will be a long wait but please enter your email address below if you are interested in this plant once... View
Sorry, now sold out Arundo Arundo donax var versicolor £19.95 (Variegated Giant Reed) A tall, clump forming grass, Arundo donax var versicolor has handsome, long cream and green variegated leaves. This plant is currently unavailable and we sadly do not have any more in the pipeline for the near future. It will be a long wait but please enter your email address below if you are interested in this plant once back in... View
Sorry, now sold out Asimina Asimina triloba £25.00 (Pawpaw) Not to be confused with the tropical fruit, Asimina triloba is a large leaved, medium to large, shrub from North America has strange, lurid-purple flowers in early summer. View
Sorry, now sold out Asplenium Asplenium scolopendrium 'Cristatum' £13.95 (Hart's Tongue Fern ) Asplenium scolopendrium 'Cristatum' is a compact, evergreen fern producing bright green fronds with an unusual wavy edge and often crested tips. View